Sanguis Cupido

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Moss ran through the forest, fear and relief rushed through them.

They're fine they're fine

Moss yelped as they fell forward onto the ground, groaning as they lifted their head.

Get up.

They attempted to stand, a pains settling in their head. They shakily lifted themselves with their arms, falling as soon as they did.

"Now we got ya." Moss turned their head to see two of the goons. The men chuckled as they planted their own torch into the ground.

Moss cursed, scrambling to their feet.

Not today. Not tonight. Don't lose your cool.

Moss swallowed as their lungs begged for air. They could feel the wood begin to grow onto their whole arm, the weight being unbearable. They grasped onto it, feeling their canines grow.

Don't lose your cool Dont lose your cool

They ran forward only to be met with the other half of the group. They pushed Moss back onto the ground, a hard thud ensued when they landed on their back. They groaned as the men laughed at them.

"Where's you friends?" One man asked.

"Dead." Moss groaned out. They propped themselves on their elbows, furrowed their brows and smiled up at them. "I ate them."

One of the men stepped on their hand. Moss yelped as the men laughed. Another grabbed their hair, throwing them forward into another man who kicked them back. Moss groaned, coughing and gasping as their lungs screamed for air. The main man had a strong build and an ugly face. Moss growled (and threw up a bit) as he crouched down next to them.

Keep your cool. Keep your cool.

"Here I'll tell you what," he mocked, brushing a curl off of his face. "Your friend killed ours. So we gotta make it equal. So here's your deal: Tell us where you friends are and we'll make your death quick." He smiled wickedly. Moss bared their teeth and spat in his face. The man made a disgusted noise. The surprise of the action made him lose his balance; he stumbled back on his ass, making Moss half heartily smile despite their pain.

"Go fuck yourself." They growled, glaring into his eyes. "Fuck your mother while you're at it."

"That's it." The man growled. Witg one swift movement, he had grasped their neck, picked them up then slammed them to the ground. Dizziness and pain had hit Moss's spine and head. Moss gasped out, clawing and kicking at him to no avail.

"Red shade, kid." His grasped tightened. "Gonna take a miracle to get out."

Moss's eyes widened, tightening their grasp onto his hand.

Fuck. You're cool.

They couldn't breathe.

Don't lose it. Figure this out. Don't lose your cool.

They struggled and kicked, all to no avail as the ugly man just pressed harder.

Don't loose your cool. You remember what happened last time.

Their lungs burned. They could feel drool escape the corners of their mouth, tears welled up in their eyes. They could feel everything. The grass on their clammy skin. The cool air they wish they could have. The harsh grasp on their airways.

Why do I care?

Tears began to fall, their vision blurred. They thought about Ophelia. Did she stop end up coming after them? As convenient as that would've been, they prayed she didn't. Raizel was dying. Was Raizel still dying? Was he already dead? Heh. Maybe Moss could Talk confidently to him now. Maybe they could see their mom again. They would've laughed if they could.

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