"Hina here take this" I say handing her the pocket knife.

"What? Y/n, why?" She says confused as Mitchi runs past us. I grab her hand and follow after Mitchi and Mitsuya but towards the edges to where Emma is standing holding her umbrella.

"Y/n I don't know what's going on" she's crying into my shoulder.

"It's fine" I say taking the umbrella from her.

"They all came out of nowhere. I was so scared I was gonna be like that girl" she says now drying her eyes.

"Luckily your friend Y/n stays strapped" I say handing her something.

"Y/n why do you have a gun" she says hanging it back to me.

"Relax it's only pepper spray" I say laughing only a little before turning to see Draken all bloody with unconscious Mobius members piled up at his feet.

"Surround those three and kill 'em" says Peh-yan.

"Stop being a pussy and fight them 1 on 1" I call out handing all my stuff to Emma and Hina. I step out there.

"Y/n come back" calls Hina.

"Don't be stupid you won't stand a chance" says Emma crying again. She's probably right but, I'll try to help.

"Mikey" says Peh-yan as Mikey parks his motorcy in the middle.

"Who instigated this" he calls to Peh-yan. Then this zombie looking dude says he's the temporary head of Mobius. What a pain in the ass! Mikey throws a kick but he gets blocked.

"Ohs shit" I say to Mitchi who looks equally shocked. This is the Invincible Mikey his whole thing is in his kicks. And he gets blocked? You know what maybe I should just go back with the girls. Yeah that's a good move.

"I knew you would come back" says Emma hitting my arm.

"You really worried us" says Hina hugging me.

"Yeah I'm gonna support from the side" I say laughing.
"Don't know why I wanted my little main character moment" I say laughing but still focused on the center.

"Collect Mikey and Draken. Massacre the whole lot too" says Hanma pointing at us and the other two in the center. Fuck! Looks like I just have to fight today. I hear whole bunch of motorcycles and out come like 100 guys. Can everyone stops having dramatic entrances?!

"Emma you shoulda set me up with the guy with the hair tie" I say giggling. We're probably safe now.

"You just can't stay serious" she sighs.
"Wait why is Drake getting up?" she says looking at the two opposing sides. Man can't he ever just stay down.

"He's going to be fine" I say turning to face Emma.

"Y/n" she calls out her face shocked. I feel a fist collide with the back of my head.

"Ouch that fucking hurt" I say getting up rubbing my head. There stands some burly ass dude with a whole bunch of scars. He staring at me and trying to hold me down. I kick him in his dick. I shock him and the kick his middle. This guys abs are hard as hell. I grab him by his hair and climb onto his back repeatedly bashing his head into the ground. He slowly lifts up. Oh shit! I try to get off but he holds my legs into place and runs back first into a tree crushing me between the tree. He does it again since my death lock in his neck is still tight.

"Get off you bitch" he says reaching around his back and throwing me into the concrete. He goes towards Hina and Emma some other 3 guys following. Even with the knife and tazer they're out numbered. I grab a rock from the floor and run at one guy bashing the rock into his right temple knocking him out. Emma is tases two guys only stunning them for a few seconds. Hina ends up stabbing a guy in his thigh. The two guys who were tased are trembling as the walk and eventually two toman members pull them back into the fight.

"He can't die from that right?" Asks Hina motioning to the guy she stabbed.

"No Hina" I say shaking my head. She's too nice for her own good.
"On the other hand your brothers having a little pick me moment" I say to Emma as Mikey is talking to Peh-yan.

"Y/n" she smack my arm this time.

"Look at me, look at me Peh-yan this isn't you" I say laughing. God why am I so unserious.

"Draken" yells out Mitchi catching everyone's attention. Draken's on the floor blood underneath him. Oh shit! They really did it. What kind of damn middle schoolers are these! In my school we just fight a lot. I mean I do keep a knife but that's besides the point. Oh and hit that guy with a rock. Takemichi places Draken onto his back and runs out of the fight us following behind.

"We called an ambulance" says Hina as Mitchi shrugs Draken off his back. A big shadow of figures comes into view.

"God fucking damn it! Can we never get one fucking break" I yell out.

"I bet 10,000,000 on Takemitchy" says Draken still holding his stomach Hina and Emma both agree.

"Yeah! If you win I'll buy and hide all your weird magazines" I say before rushing over to Draken.

"Y/n what should we do?" She asks kneeling in front of him.

"Kiyomasa pulled the knife out so he's losing a whole bunch of blood" I say looking at his red stained shirt. I take the top one off his back and rip it into strips that tie together to for makeshift bandages and hand them to Emma.
"Put pressure on it" I say.

"Aghh" I hear Mitchi cry out and see a knife through his hand.

"Oh my god again with this fucking knife" I say about to cry in frustration.

"Aghh" Takemitchi cry's again.

"You fucking idiot" I say running to his side. I'm actually crying from frustration now.
"Why'd you take the damn knife out?" I yell at him. I rip the bottom of my shirt and wrap it tightly around his hand.

"Aww look at him getting yelled at by his mommy" mocks Kiyomasa. I don't know if Hina possessed my body or what but I slapped him. Hard as hell too. I think he spit a tooth out.

"And you got bitch slapped" I say ready from him to do  something. Before he can Mitchi gets onto his back and puts him into a headlock.
"See how he stole my move" I say to Hina who's just staring wide eyed. Damn it Y/n this is a serious moment!

"You guys run" says Mitchi when other gang members challenge him after taking down Kiyomasa.

"Damn it you're going to bleed out" I tell Draken who's now trying to fight.

"Let's go Y/n the ambulance will be here soon" says Emma taking my hand and running.

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