Chapter 2:Dream[EDITED]

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"Been a very long day."

Third Person P.O.V

After an hour, you went out of the bedroom and put on your pajamas. There wasn't any homework for you as the teachers wanted the class to study for the test next Friday. Considering you are in the top class, you are lucky. Usually, top classes get the most homework. You lied down onto bed, your face covered by your pillow. You were about to drift to sleep when your phone vibrated. Your eyes snapped open. Your hands searched for the phone and you finally found it. You unlocked the phone and looked at who just messaged you.

"Ohh... Yuffie.. " You muttered to yourself.

Yuffie: We're holding a study group day for the Mathematics test on Saturday. Wanna come?

You:Of course! Why would I decline such an offer? Where is it?

Yuffie:At Cloud's house

You :EHH?? but...

Yuffie:We're having a sleepover too and games and snacks and ghost stories.

You :That's way too far.

Yuffie:So? You don't have a choice you know. You know what I'll do.*evil laughter*

You:*sigh* Fine, I'll go.

Yuffie:YAHOO! Then, see you tomorrow

You:See you too.

And with that, you locked your phone again, charged it and went to sleep. You let out a sigh and drifted to sleep and then you started dreaming about your parents death.

You were in a car. Your father was driving and your mother was at the front seat. You were 14 years old back then. Your parents had just taken you home from school. They were fighting again.

"Then, if that's the case, I'll divorce you! " Your father shouted.

" What did you just say...?" Your mother's eye widened.

"I said I'll divorce you!"

"Did you even listen to what I said? I didn't go out with that man! I mean why would I even?! "

"But our staffs did saw you guys going out together!"

"You shouldn't believe them! You should trust your own family!"

They were too busy fighting that they didn't realise that there was a truck in front.

"Mom! Dad! Look out! " You shouted.

By the time they realised it, it was already too late. The car collided with the truck and it was a big impact.

There were blood. Blood everywhere. Blood on your face, blood on your parents and blood on the floor. You mom and dad's eyes were wide open and their tongues stuck out of their mouth. It was the most horrifying scene.

"Mom...? Dad...? " You called out. There was no response. You called out again and again. Still no response. You panicked. You didn't know what to do. You took your phone and called the ambulance.

And the dream ends there.

You sat up straight away after the dream, crying. You wiped your tears violently and let out a sigh.

"It's a dream huh? Been 4 years ever since that day."

You put an arm onto your face to cover your eyes. You started crying again. As silently as possible. It was really silent until no one would realise that you were crying. You wiped your tears again. After that, you climbed out of your bed. You slid the windows open and looked out into the night sky. The stars are shining so brightly. It's as if illuminating the dark world.'Was the stars ever this bright? But really, I wished mom and dad was here to see how I success in life. Even if, I haven't got wonderful achievements yet. I want them to be there when I graduate... So that they can see how much I've grown up.. You are looking down from heaven aren't you?' You thought. Realising how much you missed them, you started to cry. Slowly at first but violently as more tears came out. You cried until your eyes were red. You stopped crying after an hour and slid the windows closed again.

(Cloud Strife x Reader)Study Group Day?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant