Only one teacher in the entire history of this academy had built a reputation as scary as him.

A P.E teacher who actually participated in the activities, but to a scary degree. Every class he taught he would participate in with the students since he was a very active young guy with a hands on teaching style.

If the students ran laps, he ran more, if they played ball, he played ball, if they had equipment out most of the time he was playing or doing some kind of activity.

But that's not why he was infamous, it was his distinct personality and scary amount of endurance.

He taught seven classes and he went 100% in each one, if it was exhausting to run ten laps for most students he did twenty each class, and at a equal or faster pace.

Giyuu was known to have beaten every track member including their coach in a one on one race of any kind or distance. He even held the record for the fastest mile and 200 meter sprint in the school's history.

His record for the fastest mile was the scariest of them all, he was at the Olympic level with how fast he was, the world record was 3 minutes and 43.13 seconds, set back internationally in 1999. Giyuu's time stood at 3 minutes and 47.09 seconds, making him the unofficial 10th fastest time in the world.

Many feared him not because he was fast but because he was the one teacher you never challenged to any kind of game.

Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, it didn't matter, he was a force of nature both on and off the court.

Although his appearance was that of a young humble P.E teacher, he was secretly a near peak physical being with talent to match in anything physical.

And to see one of the more irritating, arrogant, and loud students about to be humbled and punished at the same time for challenging him to a race was somewhat exciting to see.

Many prayed on that loudmouth's downfall after his stunt last week forcing the entire class to run extra laps in the summer heat.

The moment the teacher blew his whistle it was clear it was over.

Inosuke looked to be running at a snail's pace against their teacher. He was terribly beaten and looked exhausted, poor guy put his all into that sprint and hardly even stood a chance.

Yuichiro laughed at him and told him "you're not that guy pal" as Zenitsu clowned him for trying something so obviously stupid.

"Pick your battles better, good luck with the laps." The yellow haired boy laughed at him before being punished for being too loud with more laps of his own.

With the loud blow of a whistle the class was off to go run their five laps on the full sized track field.

Except for Inosuke, who had to run seven, and Zenitsu who had to run six.

As the students ran Giyuu thought about doing so with them before he felt a vibration in his pocket. The vibrating in his pocket indicated he was likely being called or notified from his phone.

He usually lead by example and was very strict on cellphone use to be fair to the students who also couldn't use them but he decided against his better judgment to check in case it was something important.

He pulled it out for just a second and turned it on the see what it was.

"Text message; Shinobu-wife" the notification read.

He put the phone back into his pocket quickly before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey!" The man said greeting him before taking his hand off his shoulder.

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