Chapter 1 - Nightmare Dream

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Kindaichi 's POV

Clicking the pen, Kindaichi sat at his desk trying to finish his math homework that was due the next day...

Pulling out his phone from his hoodie's pocket, he checked the time...


Growing tired and bored, he decided to wing/guess the answers to the four remaining questions he had left.

He circled D, then B, then A, then F...

Closing his workbook and standing up, he walked over to his bag, placing the book inside. Turning around, he walked back to his desk, turned off his desk lamp and flopped down on his bed. 'Finally' he thought as he closed his eyes... Sleep came to him quickly as all his energy was wasted on thinking about math...

Kindaichi dreams lately have all featured a certain Emo boi he knew. They were dreams of volleyball matches and side eye glances he had at the boy from his memory during the day...

But this one felt off...

For starters, he stood with his team... There was the bright shine of headlights and the low red light of tail lights... But looking around, Kindaichi couldn't spot Kunimi. That's when he saw it. The school bus... Shattered glass covered the highway and the smoke from the car that was smashed into the side of the bus... The sky was dark as it was nighttime, but the highway was lit with light, so it was easy not to notice the spot lights shining down on the highway ahead as the sound of a helicopter sounded from above them... Curious, he tried to see what was happening but was held back... A stretcher was being pulled up off the ground... As it rose above the heads of the emergency services people...

Kindaichi held his breath...

A pale hand hung off the stretcher... As it rose, blood dripped to the ground where a pool of it sat...

The sound of crying turned his attention to his team, they were all in tears as a man announced the passing of someone... Someone the team knew...

Time stopped as he took a step closer to the pool... An Aoba Johsai High School volleyball jacket drenched in blood laid... Reaching the pool and bending down, Kindaichi grabbed the jacket and turned it over to read the labeled name on the inside...

Akira Kunimi



This is my first story and I'm kinda nerves about it...

I hope yall like it and please don't judge me based on my writing skills...

Also, the image is made my me 😁

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