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The Dark Ages. The word dark doesn't nearly describe what happened. Dark. Ha. The Catastrophic Age would have been a much more fitting title. Ghastly, nightmarish, horrendous even. But dark? Really? Such a plain word for such a painful period.

You might not believe me but I was there. I saw it all. Everything... 

Where do I even begin? Well, how about the beginning? Hahaha.

The Dark Age was considered a time of vast suffering and terrible evil. Many survivors formed colonies in the wilderness in a desperate attempt to hold on. Though, that didn't last long either. Alien hordes or infighting crumbled colonies and humanity was on its last leg.

During the midst of the chaos, the Traveler sent out drones or Ghosts, which is the name commonly used now, to find the first set of risen to protect the world. However, many of the earliest risen didn't know their purpose and instead of using that power for good, they used their power to subjugate the world.

They became Warlords, taking over various parts of the planet, and injustices reigned. Finally, many of the risen chose to stand up to the Warlord brethren in groups known as the Iron Lords or the Pilgrim Guard. It was a noble cause and many joined until an army of hundreds formed and the oppressive warlords were deposed.

My story doesn't start after the deposal of the tyrants but at the beginning. The days when I met my love and savior, Warlord Shaxx.   

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