Chapter 1 - The Dragon And The Stone

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Welcome to the enchanting world of Munjho, a mystical and mysterious land buried in ancient legends and vibrant magic. From towering mountains, shrouded in mist that pierce the heavens to majestic waterfalls that cascade down the rugged cliffs with their waters sparkling with a mesmerizing luminescence, the land of Munjho is filled with primordial secrets hidden behind the untrained eye.

Throughout Munjho, legendary creatures roam the land, blending seamlessly with the environment. Graceful unicorns with shimmering manes and sparkling horns gallop through the meadows surrounded by vibrant wildflowers. Playful spirits and mischievous fairies perch between the trees and flowers leaving kaleidoscopic trails of dust in their wake.

Hidden within the deep, dark woodlands is a mysterious lost Drakon girl, a lower class dragon descendant that takes on a humanoid form. Covered in bruises and scars while wielding a heavy, rusty greatsword untrained humans could not carry. This tiny little girl dragging a weapon twice her size almost looked quite comical, yet this Drakons lone, lost journey began by a forgotten tragedy.

The girl named Mordread, a Drakon that lost her memories yet keeps her greatsword by her side all the time as she senses a faint familiar bond within, was about to encounter a life changing event that will turn the tides of time, changing her life forever.

Mordread: "One rock, two rock, three rock, four, five rock, six rock, seven, and more. I wonder if any of these have Aether in them"

The lost Drakon appears to be stone hunting along the riverbed

Mordread: "Eight rock, nine rock... shiny rock!

After searching for hours, Mordread stumbled upon a glowing, sharp stone that appears to contain Aether

Mordread: "Shiny! I wonder what this could be traded with? Gosh I'm starving, I hope he gives food this time."

The dragon sighed in hunger, due to some mysterious chain of events unknown even to herself, she couldn't properly cope with the situation. Not only that, but she felt fatigue from the greatsword that she unconsciously drags along wherever she travels.

Mordread: "Better head back to Mr. Golem, I worked extra hard today, hopefully he likes these rocks."

With a sack of stones and a smile on her face, the dragon joyfully walked back from the riverbed on her way to the trading golem, her greatsword still dragging across the dirt as she walked.

After a while, she arrived at the base of a small hill. It was surrounded by lush trees that towered over her. Various fauna galloped, crawled, skittered, and flew in and around the forest. All of these creatures were unknown to Mordread, yet she found them fascinating, nonetheless.

At the side of the hill was a small cave entrance. The hill was nothing noteworthy, and so was the small cave. Yet, if one observed very closely, a faint, indiscernible aura was emanating from the entrance of the cave.

Mordread walked into the cave confidently as a hidden surprise would greet her. She walked to the far end of the cave, nothing but cold, damp rocks in front of her. She kept walking until she passed through the magical walls and disappeared from sight.

As Mordread opened her eyes, she was greeted by the warm ambience of a cozy shop. The shop was larger than one would expect. The counters towered over any regular human, far above their reach. Various items were scattered on the wooden shelves that lined the walls of the shop. The cozy smell of wood and antiquities pervaded in the air. The counter towered over Mordread, she couldn't see past it but she knew that there was someone behind it.

"I'm finally back! Mr. Golem, wake up! I have some shiny rocks that I think you would be interested in." Mordread hopped onto the counters and called out in glee.

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