part 1

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Everything starts on that day... Beat was sleeping on the floor, too tired to sleep on the sticky and old mattresses, Gum saw him sleeping. She shaked him a bit to make him wake up because they had an agreement to go skating together since it was something they didn't do much.

-My god Beat! wake up, you promised me something!- said Gum

Beat squirmed a little as he felt the shakes that Gum gave him but even so he refused, the laziness was much stronger than him, although skating was something he loved and was passionate about, he also sometimes gets tired of that hobby

-Okay, I'm not going to beg you to come, I find it incredible that the person who created the team himself is not able to get up and move his ass but anyway, enjoy your nap, see you in 5 hours, you know well that sometimes Cube and Mew get intense with the races- said Gum and then she left the garage.

Beat felt a little guilty about that, although in his defense, he also as a "leader" has the right to rest, sometimes people also need to rest from the other people around them, so he felt relieved that everyone had already left the garage, finally Beat got tired of lying on the floor so he made a change, he threw himself on the sofa although Beat quickly noticed something strange, there was something very strange on the sofa.

-Since when do we have sacks on the sofa..? And who had the idea of... covering them with a blanket?- said Beat, he then shook the "sack" that was covered between the blankets, it was quite heavy, maybe it was potatoes? but why would they need them? Beat on his instinct just punched the "sack" and then the "sack" started moving frantically Beat got up quickly from the sofa, somewhat scared but did not leave, he had even grabbed a broom in case it was some wild animal or something like that but then he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

-Hey yo! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you punch me? *yawn*- yes... it was Yo, just when Beat seemed to be miraculously alone, appears... him, Yo just started to take off the blanket, he seemed somewhat annoyed by the shape of his mouth because well, he doesnt have eyes for some reason that nobody knows, he looked like a cow trying to get up.

-You gave me a big scare, what are you doing here?! Aren't you supposed to go skating with the others? that was what they were going to do today- said Beat, putting aside the broom.

-And that you are not supposed to be the leader of the group yo?! you are the one who should be with the rest of the idiots, I'm too tired to chase them anyways *yawns again*- said Yo and then he lay down on the sofa again.

-You can never stay quiet man though it's a miracle that you're tired for the first time in your life, anyway, most of the time I see you skate alone so don't complain about the rest of the team- said Beat, sitting besides Yo.

-The truth is that I feel somewhat uncomfortable with others, I mean, you're the only one with whom I've had that comfort up to now, it's that I always get along well with silly boys yo, that's why I had decided to stay here today me yo!" said Yo with a mocking smile while unconsciously playing with his fingers.

-You are the fool for thinking that you are the only one who gets tired of the rest- said Beat with a face that really could not believe what Yo was saying.

Yo was silent for a while, it seemed that Yo was thinking about something until...-I know what to do now! We're both tired of each other, let's spend the day just the two of us yo!- Yo said, he seemed very excited, so much so that he quickly adjusted his position to look at Beat face with his exotic glasses. I know I already said that Yo doesnt have eyes but just like animals, restless people also evolve.

Beat didn't answer, he was just playing hard to get, he couldn't admit it but he likes when Yo gets restless with him to get his attention, it makes him feel special, and he finds Yo cute when he tries to get some of his time, that single thought brought a smile to Beat face.

-ARE YOU AT LEAST LISTENING TO ME?!- Yo said as he took Beat by his arm and shook him, he was like a puppy demanding his owner's attention, Beat finally snapped out of his train of thought and turned his gaze towards Yo.

-Of course, of course, we are going to spend the day off, but stop grabbing my arm so hard, you're hurting me a bit hehe- he said, then put one of his hands on top of Yo's head, it was the way to calm him down a bit.

-YAAAAAY! I can not wait! What if we're going to paint graffiti on 99th street? and then and then... we can go for some hamburgers or... for a chop! no no, the hamburgers are better- Yo started to say a lot of things, Beat had only understood a few things of what he had said, he was so confused but he had an idea of the things they would do.

-Alright alright, calm down a bit... let me just- *adjusts his skates* alright im ready, you?- Beat asked and then he got up from the sofa, Yo looked at him closely for a moment, Beat looks much taller when he's standing up, Yo quickly snapped out of his train of thought and jumped up off the couch.

-I'm ready yo! let's go- Yo said and quickly he started skating in circles around Beat -Look! i practiced a lot, now i can spin around you yo- Yo started laughing and stopped bothering Beat, finally skating out of the garage with Beat.

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