
65 2 2

content warning for this chapter: insecurity of appearance


     Everything suddenly made sense.

     "Marce, you coming?"
     Marcy realized that she had zoned out, becoming absorbed in her thoughts.
     "Yeah, sorry. Just tired."
     She followed Sasha inside and began to head over to the couch when she heard Sasha ask, "Wanna sleep in my bed? I feel kinda bad making you sleep on the couch."
     "It's alright, I don't wanna kick you out of your bed!" Marcy said.
     "You sure?"
     Sasha walked back to her room and Marcy didn't hear from her again that night.
     Marcy went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change into her pajamas. She would think about her feelings tomorrow, she was too tired for that now. She went back to the couch and lied down, closing her eyes. She quickly fell asleep, not bothering to put a blanket on.

     Marcy's black hair bounced gently as she walked out to Sasha's car the next day. Sasha was waiting in the driver's seat and smiled when Marcy walked out the front door. Marcy smiled back and sat down in the passenger seat.
     "Sorry that took so long, Sash."
     "Don't worry about it, Mar Mar."
     They backed out of the driveway. Sasha repeatedly clicked a button on the car and Marcy heard the music's volume increase.
     Once again, Sasha was silently mouthing the lyrics. Marcy wondered how she could memorize all the songs on the radio. She noticed her own hair lifting slightly in the breeze. The sleeves of her t-shirt flapped gently and she glanced at Sasha's carnation-colored tube top and white jeans. The heart-shaped sunglasses sat on top of her head.
     "Do you like singing, Sash?"
     Sasha raised an eyebrow, perhaps surprised at the random question, "Eh, not particularly. I do love music on its own, though."
     "That's a shame, I remember you used to love singing."
     Sasha laughed.
     Marcy just gazed into her eyes, noticing the reflection of the sky in them. Sasha's voice carried Marcy somewhere beautiful, and she couldn't tell if it was because Sasha simply had a gorgeous laugh, or if it was because she was absolutely smitten with her.
     Marcy noticed that Sasha was smiling as well.
     Sasha lowered her sunglasses to her eyes when a turn made them face the sun. Marcy closed her eyes.
After a while, Sasha said, "Oh, we're here." She opened the door after turning off the car. While Marcy shuffled in her bag, looking for her sunglasses, Sasha walked to the other side of the car and opened the door for her.
     Marcy stepped out of the car, holding her sunglasses, "Thank you, Madam."
     Sasha performed an exaggerated bow, which made Marcy laugh. They walked through the entrance.
     The beach had a slight breeze, but was still warm. There were quite a few other guests, but there was still a perfect spot available for them to sit. They made their way over and Marcy set a blanket down over the soft sand. Sasha set up a beach umbrella behind it and they both sat down underneath.
     "This is one of my favorite places ever." Sasha said.
     Marcy smiled, "Are we gonna go into the water?"
     "Well, duh! We can do it now, if you want." Sasha gestured to the ocean in front of them.
     Marcy grinned and nodded excitedly.
     "Alright then!" Sasha said, beginning to remove her top, revealing a red two-piece swimsuit underneath. She did the same to her jeans.
     Marcy removed her shorts as well, but left her t-shirt on, which sported a graphic design of characters from Animal Crossing. Her black one-piece could be seen beneath it. She followed Sasha into the water, shivering when the cold rose to her waist. The ends of her hair floated on the water's surface. She had never been a great swimmer, so she hoped that Sasha wouldn't—


     She shut her eyes and felt herself slip under the water. Her ankles were being grasped by soft hands and she panicked for a moment before realizing that this was a game they used to play. She kicked Sasha's hands off of her ankles and rose back up to the surface. She found Sasha laughing, and couldn't stop herself from laughing as well. She splashed water toward the blonde's face, getting her hair a bit wet. Water glistened on the tips of her pale eyelashes. Sasha had no mascara on today. Her eyelashes, Marcy remembered, were blonde like her hair.
     "I forgot about that game!" Marcy said. She would do the same to Sasha when it was unexpected.
     Sasha laughed some more before splashing the water back at Marcy.
     Marcy shivered again and looked down at her buckled knees. The water reflected the sky and was a beautiful shade of turquoise. The sun glinted in the droplets of water on Sasha's eyelashes. Marcy's t-shirt moved with the small ripples in the water as she grinned.
     "I'll be right back," She said, heading back toward the shore. When she arrived at the blanket, she pulled the soaked t-shirt over her head, allowing her one-piece to see the light of day. She returned to the water, less soaked without the shirt, though she still crossed her arms over her stomach. She hoped that no one would point out the large, faded scar on her chest.
     Sasha waved excitedly from the water, prompting Marcy to run back to her. The onyx-haired girl grinned as their eyes met. Marcy couldn't get enough of the deep ocean blue of her eyes and how they stood out between her blonde eyelashes. Before she realized she had zoned out, Sasha's voice interrupted her thoughts.
     Marcy shook her head, "Sorry, I zoned out."
     "You look cold," Sasha said.
     "Do I?" Marcy looked down at her hand to see it trembling, "I guess I'm a little cold."
     "C'mere, let's get you a towel." Sasha grabbed Marcy's hand and pulled her out of the water. When they arrived at their blanket, she took a towel and gently wrapped it around Marcy. Marcy could smell the strawberries again.
     "Is that better?" The blonde asked.
     "Yeah, thanks... I didn't even realize how cold I was." She held the towel around her tightly.
     Sasha pulled a towel around her own shoulders as well.
     Marcy hesitated before moving closer to her. Her eyes widened when she saw Sasha gently take her hand.
     "Your hand is so small compared to mine." Sasha observed.
     Marcy turned red, "I... never noticed."
     "Your hands are also pretty cold... Are you sick?" Sasha looked at her with a worried expression.
     "N-no, I don't think so. I'm enjoying myself on this trip." Marcy changed the subject.
     Sasha raised an eyebrow, "I'm happy you are. Let me know if you wanna go back in."
     Marcy smiled warmly, though it was short-lived, as Sasha dropped her hand a second later.
     "I'm overthinking everything, huh? Sorry." Sasha looked away, rubbing her neck.
     "It's fine, Sash! We won't let anything get in the way of our fun!" Marcy reassured her.

     Sasha and Marcy eventually decided to return to the water. They walked over and slowly stepped deeper into the water.
     They continued swimming and after a while, they sat back down on the blanket. Marcy could hear the waves crashing onto the shore now, as it had gotten a bit windy. Grey clouds looked over them as they set there. Marcy's hair was wet and it only worsened her shake. A gust of wind caused her to shiver.
     "You cold, Marce?" Sasha looked over at her.
     "Sorta," Marcy said, hugging her knees.
     "I think I have another blanket in here, but we might have to share it—if that's alright with you?"
     Marcy nodded.
     Sasha pulled a blanket out of her bag and draped it over the both of them after scooting closer to Marcy.
     "Is this alright?" She asked.
     Marcy nodded.
     "I didn't think it was gonna be windy and grey today," Sasha said disappointedly.
     "It will probably pass soon. What do you wanna do for now?" Marcy asked.
     "We could watch a movie on my phone," Sasha suggested.
     "Sounds good to me!" Marcy said.
     Sasha took her phone and picked a movie, "What do you think of this one?"
     "Never heard of it, is it good?" Marcy asked.
     "Yeah, it's pretty cool." Sasha propped the phone up on her bag horizontally as the movie played.
     Marcy couldn't help but glance over at her as she watched it. Her pale blue eyes were relaxed and her blonde hair was flowing slightly. She seemed to get more beautiful every time Marcy laid eyes on her.

     Once quite a bit of time had passed, Marcy opened her eyes to find that they had both fallen asleep on the blanket. She didn't remember anything after Sasha had turned the movie on. Sasha was still lying down, breathing softly. Her eyes were gently shut and her lips were slightly parted. Marcy swallowed hard and stayed still. The clouds and wind were gone, and her t-shirt was still wet. Sasha's leg rested on top of Marcy's and the top of her face was covered by shade from the umbrella. Marcy closed her eyes and relaxed, grateful for the blonde's company.

hey y'all i drew marcy for this chapter, here she is!!

A/Nhey y'all i drew marcy for this chapter, here she is!!

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