Be Brave

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Trembling, cold and scared Anna reached for a warm blanket, wrapping it tightly around her freezing body, she sighed in relief. jumping into her cozy bed, yelling over and over again "STOP" "Please STOP" Thunder roared loudly echoing throughout Anna's room. Her window shook causing the glass to shatter. "NO" screamed Anna. All of a sudden the power went out making Anna worry more. With no reception she couldn't call for help. It was dark really dark the only light she had, was the light of the full moon and flashing lighting you could see out her broken window. Fearful and concerned Anna couldn't bare be in the house anymore.

Quickly she grabbed a flashlight she found in her top drawer and ran downstairs, the stairs creaked sounding like faint screams and crys. As soon as Anna reached the bottom of the stairs, she ran towards the front door swinging it wide open, wind howled at her. Taking a slow step outside she felt the cold misty air run up her body, shaking, her body grew cold once again. Looking in the distance she discovered what looked like a big dog, but it was hard to see with all the fog that instantly formed. Anna took 5 big steps towards this animal and as she got closer the beast snarled.

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