Chapter 002 Sounds Very Susannah

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' F'or as long as I can remember Steven has only thought of me as a friend, a second little sister. I can't say that doesn't hurt.

Even though I was seven minutes older than Conrad everyone expected him to be the responsible one. I always let everyone think that he has been the one taking care of everyone. It was easier to play the game. But you can't have your cake and eat it too.
I woke up around 9 am. I smelt eggs and immediately knew Jeremiah was cooking.

It was his specialty, he never let me or mom make him or anyone else eggs if he was there.

He knew exactly how to make the perfect poached, scrambled, or fried egg. It was a science to him.

"Do we have to physically sit for our portraits, can't she just look at a Picture on her phone" I hear Jeremiah ask walking down the stairs.

"She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence, while you're still young and full of hope." Laurel says as the boys start laughing.

"Her words." Laurel defended.

"Sounds very Susannah " I say laughing and taking a seat on the stool next to her.

The boys start talking about work. Jeremiah is a life guard and Steven is working at the snack shop.

"Shit, I gotta go!" I say running up the stairs to change.

I had completely forgot I promised mom I'd give this kid painting lessons. I don't even know how to teach someone to paint but it's for Susannah.

When I got to the club for the painting lesson someone was there waiting for me. The way my mom made it sound like it was a little kid who was a wanna be Bob Ross.

Well that was not the case.

"Um hi are you my 9:30 painting lesson?" I asked.

A tall boy with dreadlocks and tattoos stood in front of me.

"Yea. Are you Callie Fisher?" He questioned, trying to read my face.

"Yes, so shall we get started with the lesson? Wait before we start I need to know why YOU need help painting." I said walking over to a paint cabinet.

"I mostly paint abstract but I'm entering the Cousins Portrait Contest so I need help with that area."

Just then I got an idea, mom would paint us individually then paint all the kids together like she always did. I could enter her painting of us kids in the contest!

"Ok nice, are you self taught or have you been taught the basics?" I asked him not letting my eyes leave his.

He was cute, beautiful I would say.

"Self taught, I grew up poor so I just used the bare minimum art supplies I could find" he said grabbing a canvas.

"Oh. Well let's start at the basics. The number one thing in portraits is light portrayal, from the setting down to the glimmer in the eyes."

We worked through the lesson getting to know each other more. This could be exactly what I needed. A distraction from Susannah's cancer. A distraction from my dad being an asshole. A distraction from Steven and Shayla.

"Well it's getting a bit late I need to head back home." I say. Hopefully I sound sad because that's how I feel.

"Well I'm Aaron by the way" he said as I ran out.

When I get back home I go to change into something comfortable. My mom was sitting on our bed.

"Hello my love," she says, making my heart melt like she always does.

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