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"This is bad, Nong Fourth. Really bad. You know someone on set could have done your haircut for you. It's way easier to cut your hair then put on extensions. It will take us at least a couple of hours,"

Gemini hears as he gets nearer the dressing room. He's about to turn the knob when he hears a second voice.

"I'm sorry P. I just- I thought my usual barber would be there, but he wasn't, and I couldn't say no because they promised me it'll look like how my usual barber does it."

Gemini enters the room, tip toeing on the way inside.

"Well, it actually doesn't look too different, but the viewers will surely notice. P'Au will be so bothered. You know he's detail oriented." the staff says.

He takes the seat behind Fourth, and that's when he notices.

Fourth's hair is definitely shorter. It's not that it looks very different, but it's shorter than when they started to shoot the series.

Viewers have eagle eyes, but P'Au is on a whole other level. He wants everything done in a certain way, in a certain angle. And his whole other level eagle eyes help him a lot on this, and it's what makes him an amazing director.

But Gemini thinks he'll let it go. They're shooting at the condo today. The episode where they're shooting for their version of the Just Being Friendly MV. He thinks P'Au will take advantage of it even.

He knows Fourth didn't mean for any of this to happen. He's too much of a people pleaser to let other people see his shortcomings. Let other people be burdened by his "mistakes". He knows the younger is kicking himself for getting the haircut as it is. He doesn't need other people to rub it in.

He wants to comfort the younger, but Gemini can't help but be distracted by how Fourth's face is more visible like this.

He's known Fourth for a little more than 3 years, and he's seen the other in multiple hairstyles. Some in shorter, spikier hairstyles (when they were too fresh-faced, too new on the stage.) One time longer, when summer came, and he literally thought he could live in Thailand without a haircut the entire summer break. But his absolute favorite is when he's in the comfort of his own home, his hair free from any product, and standing in all directions from rolling around on his bed. No matter the length.

Fourth likes reading while lying on his bed, and he switches positions a lot. He lays on his back first, then on his side. Then when he likes to switch things around, he lays the book on the pillow and leans on his hand, the other hand turning the pages. Sometimes even make Gemini turn the page for him.

And when he gets tired and promises he's just 'resting my eyes for a bit' and that a bit turns into a 2-hour nap, the universe gives him a chance to stare at the younger without any hesitation, without the fear of getting caught.

He can't look at him like this, in broad daylight without having to explain himself for staring.

When the younger is awake, he can't look at Fourth freely, and let himself fall even more in love with every slow breath he takes.

And in this shorter, boyish haircut, Gemini can't help but be so aware that it shows more of Fourth's slender nape.

He looks at the mirror, Fourth facing down in regret, but because his hair isn't in the way, he can see his long, dark lashes fanning delicately across his cheeks. Like they're hiding a scandalous little secret, and only those who've seen Fourth in person will understand.

Understand how his eyes look absolutely, terrifyingly, mesmerizing.

Like they're calling his name, in slow, sharp tones, like tiny wet kisses on his ears.

When they do their make-up, they like to wear oversized shirts so it's easier to take off and change into their shooting clothes. But today, of all days, Fourth decided to sport a worn-out oversized shirt, the black clothing contrasts so agonizingly on his chest.

The stretched collar sits atop his shoulders, exposing two smooth slopes between his neck and collar bones.

And what Gemini wouldn't give to dip his tongue between those collarbones until they start to glisten in a badly lit room.

He takes a deep breath and- He wants to take off the couch and walk towards the younger by the vanity mirror and brush his fingertips under Fourth's chin and make him look up, and look at him, just him.


"Even you think it's not good, don't you, Nong Gemini?" the stylist asks.

Gemini chokes on his saliva and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry you were saying, P'?" Gemini curses and then clears his throat at the sound of his voice sounding higher than it usually does.

'Yup. How to be very obvious you're fantasizing about your friend by Gemini Norawit.'

"Nong Fot's hair. You think we can still do something about it?" the staff asks instead.

"Oh, umm I think- I think it looks good, P'. Very good." Gemini says and his gaze turns to Fourth, who's smiling at him through the mirror.

Gemini hides a flinch and looks away.

"That's not the problem, Nong. You know what, never mind I'll tell P'Au ahead so he can come up with something." the staff sighs and puts down the comb.

"I think P'Au won't mind that much. But it is best to tell him before he sees it, P."

"Oh-oh I know. You stay put and keep Nong Fourth company. Run lines or something" the staff says and closes the door behind her.

Gemini only looks away when the door clicks. He feels a burning sensation on the side of his face.

He turns and sees Fourth look at him through the mirror.

"What?" Gemini asks defensively.

'He couldn't have known what I was thinking right? He can't. He can't know or else he'll never talk to me anymore-'

"Wanna run lines with me?" Fourth asks.

Gemini looks at Fourth's reflection, for any indication of suspicion. In his eyes, the boyish bangs that slightly covers his forehead, to his flawless cheeks, down to Fourth's tongue running on smiling lips that he swears, he swears would taste so sweet like apples, or watermelon. Red, plump, sweet-

Fourth clears his throat, and Gemini is brought back to reality.

"Yeah- Ahem. Sure. Yeah. Let's read through the script." Gemini answers.

This haircut- he doesn't like it now. It makes Fourth too distractingly pretty.

"I think we should cut your hair shorter. Like a skinhead." Gemini suggests.

"I'm sorry what? P' was about to poke my eyes out with this haircut, but sure let's cut it shorter. Let's get Fourth thrown in a dumpster somewhere. Also, my head's too big. It won't look good on a skinhead." Fourth says.

Gemini shakes his head, 'at least now only I will find you attractive.'

"What? Only you will do what?" Fourth questions.

'Wait did he say that out loud?' Gemini curses himself.

"What? I didn't say anything. You wanted to run lines, right? You start." Gemini interjects.

'I need help,' Gemini thought to himself.

'Serious help.' Gemini thinks and looks at Fourth's expectant smile.

Thank you so much MSP for making me want to write again. My first GeminiFourth fanfic. Hope y'all like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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