Vacay day 1/7

Beginne am Anfang

"Yeah I haven't eaten all day" we get up and go Into the boys room

"We're hungry" we say and they agree

They get up and we drive to an Applebee's

I pull my hood down as we get to our booth and sit next to Chris and Matt is on the opposite side of Chris

We order our food, I get Pepsi and a Cesar salad etc

I pick at my fingers on my lap and chew in the inside of my cheeks slightly

Chris notices and grabs onto both of my hands and holds them under the table

"Your ok" he whispers in my ear and I smile

After a while waiting, our food finally gets here and we start eating

"You guys wanna play the penis game?" Matt giggles

"Matt no were like the only ones here right now" nick laughs

"....penis" he yells only a little loud

Everybody starts laughing and we keep eating

"penis" Matt says louder

"Ok were done" nick laughs and we giggle

After we finish up eating dinner we pay and drive back to the hotel to go to sleep

I change into a pair of shorts and a bra then lay down on my phone

New menssage from Chris

Chris: hey ma

Me: hi Chris

Chris: what're you doing

Me: sleeping 😴

Chris: no your not

Me: how would you know

Chris: your texting me silly

Me: I didn't realize

Chris: are you okay? You've been picking at your fingers alot

Me: I'm ok

Chris: you sure????

Me: positive

Chris: how late you staying up?


Me: probably a few more hours

Chris: okay me too then

Me: talk later or tomorrow?

Chris: yep I luv uu

Me: I love u too chris

I watch tiktok for a little bit and go on Instagram to post, and post a video for this week on my YouTube channel


New message from Chris

Chris: come to the lobby

Me: what?

Chris: meet me in the cafeteria by the lobby nobody else is here

Me: don't kill me

Chris: hurry

I turn off my phone and grab a big tshirt and slide it on making sure not to be loud because Madi is sleeping

I grab my phone and a key then quietly walk out of the room

I walk down the hall and go down in the elevator

I slowly walk towards the cafeteria and Chris is leaning against a doorframe on his phone

"Chris?" I whisper

"Hey" he puts his phone in his pocket

"What are you doing" I ask

"Common" he says and grabs my hand

He pulls me to the end of the hall where the vending machines are

"What" I ask and he grabs some money out of his pocket

"What do you want?" He points to the snacks

"Mmm...get me some cookies and something sweet" I whisper and he gets me a almond hersheys and cookies

"Here" he gives me them and gets himself snacks

He gets a Pepsi and we share that

We look out a window from the side of the building

"Let's go outside" he points to the door

"It's pouring" I laugh

"Exactly" he pulls me an I set down my snacks

We run around in the parking lot and dance

Chris holds my waist and dips me and we hold eye contact for a few seconds

I look up at his bright blue eyes as his hair falls through the air, dripping water

He pulls me back up and we hold a kiss for a few seconds and then go back inside

We get out stuff and go back to the rooms

I give him a kiss before we go back to our separate rooms and shower

I put on a hoodie and shorts then go to sleep

You and I - Chris Sturniolo Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt