First is the Worst, Second is the Best

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"Ay! Yo! Neo! How 'bout that competition we talked about earlier?" Weronika slung herself over the banister and landed with a loud THUD in front of the other girl. Neo barely even quirked an eyebrow at Weronika's... rather grandiose choice of entrance. Weronika was undeterred, flashing a wide, toothy grin at Neo, a silent challenge making her eyes shine like twin flames. Maybe to an outsider, they were as different as sun and moon, fire and ice, day and night, but their hearts beat the same way, and they both knew it.

"What do your eyes see?" Neo asked the day they met.

"The Hell does that even mean!?" Weronika scoffed, crossing her arms and glaring warily at the stranger—the snobby, ugly, little upstart—that dared usurp her throne after just a single song. Weronika was in even LESS of a mood for riddles than normal. "I'm aiming for the world, baby! Bigger, brighter, and better than you'll ever be! All I gotta do is steal back the vote you stole from me, and I'll be golden!"

Neo finally smirked at Weronika, the corners of her lips twitching up by just three centimeters, just like their very first encounter. Elsie and Sophia stood behind Neo, aghast and confused as to why she would choose a fourth and final member in a girl so crass and antagonistic. But that was because they didn't know Neo as well as they thought they did. Neo saw a spark in Weronika, and like a moth to a flame, she knew she wanted the other girl in her collection. Friends close, enemies closer.

Stupid, stubborn, bearish, bullheaded Weronika accepted without a second thought. At first, she was a little put off by Neo's invitation to join Abyssmare, but as soon as Neo issued it as a challenge, Weronika couldn't say no.

"All right!" She finally snapped, clenching a hand into a fist and raising it by her face. "I'll join your stupid, sissy band! But only to prove to you four losers that I'm still the best!"

Even though she was talking to all of Abyssmare, including their manager, Sho, she had eyes only for Neo, and Neo had eyes only for her.

"U-uh-uhh... Neo-sama... Why do you keep accepting Weronika's challenges?" Sophia asked timidly.

"Rather, why haven't you two challenged me to anything?"

Ever since the day they met, Neo kept Weronika around, scarcely acknowledging her existence even though Weronika was otherwise very hard to miss or ignore. And as much as Neo's icy silence burned Weronika, she never stopped trying to steal her legacy back from the other girl. Today was no different, save that this time, Weronika's choice of challenge was very out of the ordinary, especially for Neo.

I'd rather beat her at something SHE'S good at, but... Weronika hated to admit it, her luck against Neo was nonexistent. Even if the victory wasn't as sweet, by that point, Weronika was willing to cut her losses and challenge Neo at something she was good at. And just what did she pick? Boxing. Not beat-boxing, nothing musical today, but actual punching-and-kicking boxing. In her head, the bearish girl grinned wolfishly as she punched her palm as hard as she could.

"So, Neo, whaddaya say? Still too scared to against me? I wouldn't blame—"



"Come now, Weronika, do not tell me you are surprised I agreed." Neo flashed Weronika a tiny, cocky smirk. It was a rare thing, something that only Weronika typically got to see, although it was obvious she didn't realize how special that must've made her.

"N-no! It's not that!" Weronika looked away, cursing herself in her head. "Just didn't think you'd agree so quickly!" Yes, Neo was competitive, but she typically liked to protect her Ice Queen personality and reputation.

Neo/Weronika (Neonika) D4DJ One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now