fine line

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Prince William, The Duke Of Cambridge amidst a crisis going in the British Royal Family in the year 2020 realises that there is a fine line between truth and false.

Sometimes, the truth looks like false while false looks like truth but what hurts or pierces the soul in many parts is when the false is presented as truth in front of your eyes. The soul breaks like glass in many shreds which couldn't be put back into the shape it was. The pain felt can't be healed because once broken, the fine line between love and hatred intermingles with each other and leaves you with a frenzy of emotions which can't be comprehend or explained in words or thoughts.

That's exactly how William felt when he learned that a person, who was his best friend was very much alive and happy after believing him to be dead for more than six years.

When a man from past unexpectedly opens the door, he knocked upon. 

And william doesn't know how to feel.

Whether to smile and hug him or strangle him to death for the amount of sleepless and painful nights he had given him.

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