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EVERYONE HAD LEFT the summer house and made there way to nicole's house. her house was pretty big, it was honestly very nice.

taylor, belly, and evelyn rode with cam while dylan, steven, jeremiah, & conrad all rode in the same car.

while taylor was hyping belly up evelyn was already at the front door. she was greeted with the smells of drunken teenagers and some forms of cake ?

she didn't pay it any mind and ended up walking trough the big crowd and some how made it to the kitchen. she saw the counter scattered with all forms of different beers & liquor.

after evelyn had practically been friend zoned and rejected by steven she thought that one little drink wouldn't hurt.

after her fathers death evelyn would go to all kinds of parties, she tried all different kinds of liquor.

booze? she had it. Bourbon? she had it. tequila? she had it. and so on and so on.

before losing her dad she wouldn't even think about touching and kinda of substance or anything like that. she was youre typical good girl.

but after him she feel into a deep depression and drinking and smoking weed, vapes, and sometimes even a cigarette, was her coping mechanism.

but one day she came home faded stumbling and high out of her mind. and when she saw how worried her mother looked and how scared her brother was she decided that was enough for her to quit and try therapy.

and she's been sober ever since, well until this summer.

and she was not willing to put all that in jeopardy. she needed to come to terms that steven did not want to be with her.

so she just put the cup down and resorted to having a water.

as she continued to explore the house she went out to the backyard and sat in one of the patio chairs.

as she was just chilling some guy walked up to her and sat next to her and introduced himself?

"hey i'm nate" he held out his hand to the brunette girl. she shook it and put her water down. "hello i'm evelyn but you can call me eve." she smiled at the blond boy. "can i help you?" she asked as she was not really looking to getting into a conversation.

"oh no, i just saw you sitting over here and thought you would like a buddy" he spoke smiling at her.

"oh no thank you. but thank you" she said to him. she didn't mean to be rude she was just not in the mood right now.

"oh i'm sorry seems like your upset wanna talk to me? only if you're comfortable." he asked.

why was he so persistent? she said she did not want to talk, why was he still even here?

"you're just not gonna stop are you ?" she asked turing to face the boy. "nope" he shot her a grin.

"well fine, since you insist. a guy of been crushing on for a few years friend zoned but and it really hurt my feelings." she admitted, speaking in a fast tone. even tho she told steven everything was alright it wasn't. she was really upset. she told him how she felt about him and he completely blew her off.

"oh i'm sorry, do you wanna h-hug?" he asked a bit awkwardly. she just smiled and gave him a nodded before she gave him a side hug.

"well thank you for letting me talk to you, what was it, nate?" she said to him. "of corse, and yes. nate" he said to her.


as the party continued on she had gotten to know nate more.

he was at the party to escape from his parents, they were currently divorcing & they had been arguing over custody & nate did not just want to be around all of their screaming matches.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 - a Steven Conklin fanfic !Where stories live. Discover now