Louis poking him in the side with his finger awoke him a couple of minutes later.

"What?" he muttered, but turned his head into the pillow.

"Wake up. School."

"I don't want to go," he replied truthfully. He pushed Louis' hand away, wanting to burrow back into the fluffier pillow. Louis' hand was annoying, however, persistently attempting to pinch him awake. Harry bat at his hand, but to no avail. Grunting, Harry crawled on top of him, adequately shutting him down.

"We have to go to school," huffed Louis after regaining his breath from underneath him.

"No, we don't. I'm on you. You can't move."

"We have to go to school."

Why was Louis such a goodie sometimes? Skipping was fine once in a while.

"No," Harry sighed. "Coach is going to cancel practice 'cause it's raining, and there's no game tonight." There was really no reason why they should make themselves miserable at school when it was Harry's birthday, and they could be spending the day sleeping and having sex in Louis' beautiful bed.

"Classes," was Louis' counterargument. Not especially convincing.

"Not important. Let's stay in. Have sex all day." He made himself more comfortable on top of him, his groin pressing into his leg. "Your mum works the day shift today," he said as he leaned closer to his mouth. "Right, Lou? Your sister will be in school, you'll be naked, I'll be naked... Special day."

If Louis was trying to deny him sex on his birthday for something as stupid as classes, he really was a dickhead.

"Harry..." Louis tried, but his voice was void of any actual will.

Harry placed his mouth against Louis', his hands lightly gripping the back of his neck. His thumbs dug into the skin just above Louis' jawline, a heated fire steering his movements. It had been some time since they really got into it...

"Fuck me." He felt his body already aflame with want. He pushed Louis down against the mattress, hands running upwards as they kissed, through Louis' soft, ruffled hair. Louis moaned, agreeing and moving his body willingly into Harry's. That was good. This was what Harry wanted.

Louis' hands slipped in under Harry's t-shirt. They were swift and firm, and they made Harry shiver as they slid across his skin and onto his back. Harry let his lips bite into Louis' skin, right below his jaw, body turning to liquid as Louis made small noises of pleasure. When he grabbed Harry's wrists, it was sudden. It took the breath out of him, but he liked it. Louis was taking control, and Harry was much too happy for him to do it. Yes, he thought as Louis rolled them over, locking Harry down beneath him. Yes, please.

"You like to get bitey, eh," murmured Louis, and his voice, sleep-ridden and hoarse, breath landing Harry's skin, was devastatingly seductive. When Louis actually tried, the result was carnage.

More. More, more, more. Louis' hands began feeling over Harry's underwear. He quickly pulled Harry's shirt up, but slowly moved his mouth down across his stomach.

More, please. There was a ringing in Harry's head. All of his senses were focused on one thing: Louis' tongue on his lower belly. He wanted this, needed this.

Louis' mouth was gone. Within an instant. Harry opened his eyes and found Louis' head turned away. He was still, frozen. His eyes were looking at the door. Harry glanced over and stilled just like Louis.

In the doorway, on the threshold, stood a young teenager. She was blonde, with long hair and blue eyes. Her skin was faintly tan, just like Louis', and her nails were long and pink. Her hand was gripping the door handle. Her eyes were trained on the bed.

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