Chapter 2

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Louis, frustration evident in his voice snapped at her, "Can't you just leave me alone? I've had enough of fans today."

Isha, momentarily taken aback by his outburst, composed herself and responded gently, "I'm sorry if I've upset you. I'm actually the waitress here. I'm here to take your order".

As Louis met her gaze, he noticed her genuine concern and realized his mistake. Louis, felt remorseful, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else. It's been a rough day, and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to snap".

Isha offered a forgiving smile, "It's alright. I understand that fame can be overwhelming. Is there something I can get for you today?"

Grateful for her understanding, Louis expressed his appreciation, "Thank you for your understanding. I'll have coffee, please."

As Isha left Louis's table after noting down his order, he couldn't help but let his gaze follow her movements. His eyes were drawn to her as she engaged in a conversation with an elderly lady, the only other customer in the small cafe. Louis scanned the cozy space, there was something different about sitting there, something that made him feel at ease. Returning his attention to the waitress, he watched as she prepared his coffee. The apron she wore hugged her body, accentuating her figure, and Louis found himself admiring her quietly. As Louis continued to steal glances at the waitress, he couldn't help but notice the way her hair was styled in a ponytail, with a few strands gently falling near her ear. He felt an inexplicable desire to delicately tuck those strands behind her ear. In that moment, the elderly lady said something to the waitress, eliciting a bright and genuine smile on her face.Suddenly, Isha's eyes met his, and Louis's heart skipped a beat. A blush crept onto his cheeks as he realized he had been caught staring. He quickly averted his gaze, feeling a rush of embarrassment for appearing like a creep. Despite his embarrassment, he couldn't deny the captivating effect Isha had on him, leaving him eager to learn more about the waitress.

As Isha approached Louis with his freshly brewed coffee, a small smile played on her lips. She gently placed the cup before him, the rich aroma wafting in the air.

Isha, with her warm and friendly voice, "Here's your coffee. Is there anything else I can get you?"

Louis, appreciating her attentive service, mustered a grateful smile "Thank you. I think I'm good for now."

After enjoying his coffee in quiet solitude, Louis felt satisfied. He looked around for Isha, and when he spotted her, he subtly signaled for the bill. Isha, catching his gesture, swiftly approached his table with a friendly smile. She placed the bill before him. Louis, with a grateful nod, reached for his wallet and proceeded to pay the bill. As Louis paid the bill, a sense of reluctance washed over him. He didn't want to leave just yet; he felt an inexplicable desire to prolong his time in the cafe and engage in conversation with the waitress. However, his mind drew a blank as he racked his brain for something to say. Lost in his thoughts, Louis sat at his table for a few minutes after settling the bill, pondering over the right words to start a conversation.

Meanwhile, Isha noticed his lingering presence and approached him with a warm smile. Isha, her voice filled with genuine concern "Is everything alright? Do you need anything else?"

Louis, caught off guard, managed a smile and shook his head "No, no, I'm all set. Thank you."

As Louis rose from his chair and made his way towards the exit, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Stepping out onto the street, Louis kicked his feet in frustration, murmuring something under his breath.

To his surprise, just as he was about to continue on his way, the cafe door swung open, and there stood Isha, holding Louis's wallet in her hand. A mixture of relief and happiness washed over Louis as he realized his unintentional act had led to this unexpected turn of events. He chuckled to himself, amused by his own absent-mindedness. However, a flicker of concern crossed his mind. He couldn't help but worry about the possibility of paparazzi capturing images of him and Isha together, and the potential consequences it might have on her. In that moment, as he looked into Isha's eyes, a mix of gratitude and protectiveness swelled within him. He didn't want their encounter to be twisted into unwanted stories or have any negative impact on her life. The thought of dragging her into the chaotic world of fame left him unsettled.To his relief, the streets appeared devoid of any paparazzi presence. There were no eager photographers, no intrusive lenses pointed in their direction.

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