Chapter 17

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Zion Sullivon

Today I decided to pay Odgen a little visit.

He was locked and isolated in a cell away from the other inmates. We needed to record his each and every action. He could be quite dangerous as he was one of the consumers of the drug.

It was around 9am when I paid Odgen a visit.

He was looking at a wall and occasionally scratching it with his nails. Quite psychotic I believe. But truly you have no idea just how much isolation from every living being can affect you. When you are just by yourself, reflecting on everything you have done, good or bad, everything.

He was cuffed to one of the stands of his bed. I took a seat on a chair a meter or two, away from his bed.

"Odgen", I called out to him. He seemed to not have heard as he continued to mumble something indistinctly. You could hear him clearly scratching the wall with his nails.



"ODGEN", I called out to him a bit louder. He stopped scratching the wall. He looked at me dead in the eyes. His eyes were bloodshot and wide, as if he was staring into my soul.

"This won't take long. Do you know anything about the person who supplied you with the drugs?", I asked.

He stared blankly at the ceiling and then looked at me. "Yes", he replied.

"Then tell me everything. Don't spare a single detail.", I demanded.

"And what's in it for me? I will remain locked up in here while you get your job done.", he said.

"And who is it you should blaming? You did drugs on your own will and consciousness. You weren't forced into it. It's clearly on you. So stop wasting your time and tell me what I asked for.", I said.

"I won't. In exchange of any details, you need to see free.", he said.

"How about in exchange of any details you guys to live.", I suggested.

"What?", he asked confused.

"You have been isolated. What do you think is going to happen to you? You thought you were incompetent, that you couldn't satisfy anyone. So all you did was turn to drugs for help. What a coward."

"You shut up...SHUT UP.", he latched at me but unfortunate for him his cuffed hand hindered him from coming any further.

"I am not incompetent. I just wanted to be better than everyone. I am the best. I am supposed to be good at everything. Yes I did ask for drugs from that bastard and he gave me something which fucked me up altogether. I don't feel human. I feel this overwhelming power growing inside of me. It's making me do things. At first it felt ecstatic...but now it's just feeding on me. It's killing me and I can feel it. I want to kill that son of a bitch with my own hands and that's why you need to set me free.", he said with venom in his voice. I did get under his skin as I had planned and it seems to be working out.

"Fine. But before that I need you to tell me who he is and where he could be. For whom did he use to work?"

"He works under this medic company my agency signed up with. He approached me out of nowhere. He said he had many clients like me and the drug he had helped them all. I knew it was bullshit so I ignored him. But he kept on tempting me. And you know what kind of a man I am...I did get tempted. The first time I tried it, it felt wonderful. I wanted more and more and  more..."

"Who is this guy?", I said getting impatient.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"He never told me his name. He just said a number. It was 08....said he contacted his clients with this identity. Lame."

I sighed. This is hopeless.

"I remember that bastard's car plate number though."

"Dammit why didn't you start with this one?!", I said frustrated.

"Probably because he used to meet me with different cars each time.", he said.

"Just tell the one you remember.", I said.


"Okay.", I said as I got up ready to leave 'cause I knew asking him more questions would be a waste of time.

"Wait why are you leaving?! You promised you would let me go!", he yelled.

"I never promised."

"You said 'fine'!"

"Yeah I said fine but I never promised. You know very well you deserve to be here and I won't go against the law for you.", I said and was about to open the cell door, when someone grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. It was Odgen himself!

He had broken out of his cuffs and attacked me. He was choking me. I was struggling to breathe. His grip was really tight. I struggled to get him off me. I kicked him on his stomach. He squeezed his in pain. I took this chance to punch him in the face. Once he hit the ground I cuffed both his hands. The officers in charge had arrived by that time and dragged him towards the disciplinary room.

"I WILL KILL YOU ONCE I GET OUT OF HERE!", He yelled as he struggled to escape out of their grip.

"Are you okay Mr. Sullivon?", an officer asked concern.

"I am fine.", I said as I left in a hurry. While driving to our agency I called Aarvi and asked her to track the location of the car and the data of all the people who have used it before.

I had driven almost a few kilometers when I received a phone call. I answered it only to be met by the news I already knew was going to happen.

Odgen has died.

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