Chapter 1

663 16 43

July 28th

Walking up to the fourth floor, I struggle to get my key from inside my purse

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Walking up to the fourth floor, I struggle to get my key from inside my purse. I hear a faint melody on a guitar from my roommate Molly. I smile to myself and feel the instant comfort take over my body when hearing her play. Molly has been my best friend since the third grade. With her studying guitar theory and my studying vocal performance, we always had the dream of leaving Maine for New York to become the next headlining duo touring the world together. Molly became a part of my family the moment I met her. She lived with her mom as her dad died before she was even born. My family would always invite her and her mom to events and holidays, she really is my ride or die.

 I learned we are similar in our mentality and personality from the very start. I am the type of person to listen and give advice when needed. Molly is the same, but she isn't a bullshitter. She doesn't sugar coat anything, she believes in raw, honest truth. I believe in helping people, putting more kindness into the world, and taking on other people's problems and making them into my own.

I unlock the door and see her sitting on the floor with her guitar sitting on her thigh. Her short blonde hair is twisted up in a claw clip, and she's wearing a baby blue tank and short set. She's leaning back against the couch with a pencil between her teeth to quickly write down any inspiration that comes to her. I sit my bag down on the counter in our apartment and proceed to grab water from the fridge.

"Hey Nat, how was the sign-up day for classes today?" Molly asks, taking the pencil from her mouth and putting it in the spine of her notebook. "Well, I got all of my classes, which is good, but the only times available for private room rehearsals were 7:30 at night", I say, untwisting the water bottle's cap. She instantly scrunches her brows together. "Make sure you take your pepper spray and keep your location on, just in case", Molly says, pointing her finger at me. I smile and give her a nod.

"I promise, Molls. It just sucks because our apartment is on the other side of campus, but it will help me get my steps in for the day", I say, coming to sit by her in the living area. "Just ring me anytime you need me, and you know you can always call Niall", she says, giving me a soft smile. Niall and Molly have been dating for about a year now. They met last year at a party thrown for the beginning of the semester. Niall is here as a foreign exchange student from Ireland. He saw Molly in his junior year and said he instantly fell for her. He approached her and complimented her performance in the spring showcase the previous year. He asked her if she could help him learn guitar to help his chances at the showcase for our senior year. It only took Niall three months into dating to tell Molly that he already knew how to play the guitar and needed an excuse to talk to her and be around her more.

I love having Niall around, especially since it shows Molly at her fullest. Niall fills this void I know I could never possibly fill for her as much as I try. Like every other girl in the universe, including me, Molly craves to be wanted and loved. She wants to be needed by someone. I think that is what made us bond even more, just two girls who are hopeless romantics in a sad world of egotistical men. The fairytales really fucked up our sense of love and how it looks. I am glad Molly found her love, Niall treats her to his fullest amount of love and admiration. He always supports her dreams and aspirations in her life and what she wants to accomplish.

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