"You're a mo-" I was about to say but was cut off my Nimona.

"I'm a what? Marsupial? Mariachi? Meatball?" They said, exaggerating their words on meatball, flicking their wrists while faking an accent.

"You're a monster." I said, fearfully, gripping my trap of tacos that yes, I was still holding. But I'm to scared to care.

"Do NOT, call me that!" Nimona snapped, thunder booming the background.

"No. No, no, no. Of course not, you're obviously not a massive fire-breathing, you know-" I said, stuttering my words ever so slightly. "But you do, do the shifty-shift-shifting-shape thing." I said, nervously, backing up further into the wall. "No, you're a girl who can turn into..." I started before letting out a sigh. "What are you?"

"I'm Nimona." They spat while glaring daggers at me. 

"No, no, that's not an answer." I denied, releasing some of tension in my body. "People don't turn into things."

"I do." Nimona said, flicking me in the forehead, I rubbed it in pain.

"Okay fine, then I have a million questions." I said, in a defending manor.

"You get two." They said, turning around while grabbing a taco from the trap I was gripping so tightly I think I heard metal bend.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked, stepping forward while placing the taco tray beside me on a desk.

"Because I'm bored." They said grumpily, taking a bite out of the taco and sinking down in their spot. "And everybody hate you too."

I looked down for a moment in thought before looking to poster of Ambrosius that hung on the wall. I sighed before looking back up at Nimona.

"The squire, has to know something, he's the one that gave me the sword." I said, my mind flashing back to when I killed the queen. "The sword that-"

"You need the squire?" I turned back to Nimona who was already facing me, their mood seeing to brighten. "Then let's go kill— get him. Let's go get him." They said, changing their answer quickly, when I turned my head. "You and me."

"Oh, absolutely not, that thing you do? It's to much. No." I said, throwing my hands up and shaking them in a "no" motion. Watching as Nimona's glare hardened.

"I think you're trying to say, "Thanks for saving my life."" Nimona said, impersonating me with a sassy expression. "Three times, if you're keeping score."

I reached my hand out, about to say something, but at this point I'm used to being interrupted.

"But you're right. I'm sure you can do this alone. With every knight in the kingdom gunning for you. Good luck." They said, beginning to walk away, with me unaware of the smirk growing on their face.

I wince as I say, "Wait." Not because I was in pain, but because I knew this was what they wanted me to say.

"Yess~ Evil Larry?" Nimona said playfully, stopping their hand from reaching out to the door knob.

"I-" I was about to say I wanted their help but they practically teleported in front of me, saying with a grin. "I'm in."

I sigh in annoyance, I don't want to accept the offer for help, I really don't but their's no one else in the kingdom that's would willingly help me, unless..

I notice they were about to say something but I interrupt them "Nimona, where's Y/N?"

Nimona visibly pauses, staring at me with an expression I can't describe.

"Just a couple hours away.." Nimona said slowly.

"Listen, the only other person in this whole kingdom, besides you, that don't think I'm a murder, is Y/N. Nimona, what happened to them while I was knocked out." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder, bending down to see her face.

"She- I.. I wasn't paying attention, I was to busy trying to break everything and get you out of prison, I lost them. The announcement on the notification said they're going to be executed tomorrow morning, for associating with a murder and a monster." Nimona said, stuttering her words slightly, like she was holding back tears.

"Executed! That's absurd!" I said, grabbing Nimona's wrist, tugging her to the door.

"Where are we going?" Nimona said in confusion, wiping tears from her eyes.

"To get Y/N." I said firmly, if it's my fault for associating with her as the murder I am, than it's my responsibility to get her back.

Nimona's face slowly shifted into a smile, a genuine, smile. We're going to prove my innocence, and get her back, no matter what.


Lord have mercy I wrote way too much, I'm posting a longer chapter today since I'm gonna be going to social camp. So I'll be writing less often, sorry for the impatient people 🙏 (I'm one too)
You have no idea how hard I'm cringing re-reading this 💀

1845 Words

Stay safe and stay hydrated

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