A Day Out

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"So?"  "So what?"

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Probably to the night market," He replied, "Why?"

"..." You waited for a moment. "Tell me about yourself?"

"That information is classified." His reply came in a bland tone.

"How old are you? What's your name? Do you wear that mask because your ugly-" He cut you off my covering your mouth with his gloved hand. 

"Do you honestly ever shut up?" He asked as he stopped walking and turned to face you. His eyes landed on a pink tint spreading across your face. He pulled away, "Are... are you blushing?"

(I'm going to be completely honest here, and just tell anyone reading, I wrote the next like, 14 chapters on paper, and didn't realize just how short they actually were, I will be doing my best to publish them faster, and if more people start reading this, I'll start writing more.)

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