Influtrating the Entertainment District; Zenitsu gets captured

Start from the beginning

Inosuke's muscles strained against the unfamiliar fabric of his feminine attire, his body itching for the freedom of his usual attire. The restrictive clothing hindered his senses, amplifying his unease and discomfort. But he had a mission to fulfill, and he begrudgingly pushed himself to adapt.

As he made his way through the corridors of the brothel, Inosuke's heightened senses tingled, alerting him to the presence of a lurking demon. His instincts kicked in, and he abandoned all pretense of blending in, rushing through the crowd in search of the elusive creature.

With agility that belied his appearance, Inosuke dashed through the halls, his eyes scanning every corner, his ears attuned to the slightest sound. The scent of demonic energy wafted through the air, guiding his path as he followed the telltale signs.

In his relentless pursuit, Inosuke found himself darting into an empty room, seeking a moment of respite to collect his thoughts and hone his instincts. He crouched down, his body contorted into a flexible pose, trying to tap into his innate spatial awareness, a skill honed through countless battles in the past.

However, his attempt at utilizing his heightened senses drew the ire of the matrons of the brothel. The door swung open abruptly, and a chorus of scolding voices filled the room, their disapproving gazes fixated on the young "girl" who dared to disturb the sanctity of their establishment.

"Who do you think you are, barging into an occupied room like that?" one of the matrons exclaimed, her tone a mixture of annoyance and concern.

Inosuke, caught off guard, stood up abruptly, his face contorted in a mixture of surprise and defiance, "I sensed a demon! I was just trying to find it!" he blurted out, his voice brimming with his usual impulsive fervor.

The matrons exchanged skeptical glances, clearly skeptical of his claims.

"A demon, you say? In here? You must be mistaken, young lady. We take great care to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests," one of the matrons replied, her tone laced with skepticism.

Inosuke's frustration grew, but he quickly realized that his current disguise limited his ability to persuade them. With a huff, he reluctantly lowered his head, acknowledging their authority within the establishment. He would need to find another way to track down the demon and prove his instincts right.

Resigned for the moment, Inosuke muttered a quick apology and hastily left the room, his senses still alert and his determination unwavering. He would continue his search, but this time, he would need to find a way to navigate the brothel's halls without drawing unwanted attention.

Inosuke's body tingled with anticipation as he resumed his exploration, his mind focused on the task at hand. The demon may have eluded him temporarily, but he was determined to track it down and unleash his fierce combat skills upon it. No amount of scolding or restrictions could dampen his resolve to protect humanity and vanquish the forces of darkness.

Kanao stood gracefully amidst the bustling atmosphere of the brothel, her demeanor calm and composed. The matrons of the establishment, captivated by her ethereal beauty, showered her with praise and compliments. They marveled at her serene attitude, remarking on her graceful movements and delicate features.

As the matrons fawned over her, Kanao nodded politely, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of suspicious activity. She maintained her keen awareness, ever watchful for any hint of danger that might be lurking within the deceptive tranquility of the entertainment district.

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