[Deidara x Reader] Everlasting Love One-Shot

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"What'cha making, [name] - chan? Un."

[name] looked up at to see Deidara and smiled widely.

"I'm making a flower! It represents peace in my opnion."

"Un. So far, so good. When did you start taking an interest in art?" Deidara mused.

"I always have. It's just that nobody really asks." [name] shrugged and continued to finish her flower. She carefully structured the clay petals and made every little detail appear with accuracy. Watching her every move entrenced Deidara and it felt like a whole new thought.

"Now I'm done." [name] grinned and marveled at her work. She held the clay flower up for Deidara to take a glance at.

"Isn't it pretty?"

"It is. But you know what's even prettier? Un."

[name] lowered the flower down and frowned in confusion.

"What?" [name] asked.

Deidara smirked mischeviously, but [name] didn't notice. He leaned down to her height for a little surprise.

Then he gently brought his lips to [name's] and kissed her softly, since it was her first kiss. [name's] eyes widened in shock, but slowsly kissed back.

When they parted, Deidara grinned and embraced [name] tightly.

"[name] - chan. To me, you're the most beautiful piece of art ever. I want you and I to become real artists. I love you."

[name] blushed and answered quietly, "I love you, too, Deidara."

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