"That's very nice of you to say," I smiled timidly.

"Morgan told me that you might be a little shy at first, but I think we'll get along great. And hopefully, by the end of the week you can get a good sense of who I am and feel comfortable enough to trust me with little miss Ellie," she said, tickling Ellie who couldn't stop laughing. I giggled at the scene.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," I heard a voice say behind me. I couldn't help but to smile. I turned around to face him and he immediately placed a gentle peck on my lips. I breathed in his fresh shower smell while his wet hair dripped all over the floor.

"You smell good," I said softly. He leaned in for another kiss, but our lips didn't get to touch before Lesli interrupted him.

"Boy, you're dripping all over my floor. Go dry that hair before I have to mop the entire house," she scolded him.

"Sorry, mama," he chuckled, squeezing my butt slightly and winking at me before making his way back into the bathroom.

"I swear, that kid will be the death of me," she laughed.

"That bad, huh?" I asked.

"One day it'll be your house that he messes up. You tell me then," she laughed. I smiled at the thought. The idea of having a house with him, a house that would have no history but the one we made together, was giving me butterflies. I had no idea what he had been telling his mom about me, but the way she was treating me was leading me to believe that he must have had genuine feelings for me. She seemed confident that we would be a part of each other's life for a good amount of time and had gone out of her way to make Ellie and I feel at home. I could already tell how kind that woman was and it really helped put my mind at ease. Seeing where Morgan came from was actually helping me overcome some of the fears I had been having. Getting to talk to his mom and seeing how authentic she was gave me a good idea of the way she must've raised her son.

"I was thinking of taking Ellie to get some new toys for her room this afternoon. I doubt Morgan will want to come, he tends to avoid public appearances when he can, but maybe we could make this a girls trip?" she said invitingly.

"Sure," I smiled. "I know Ellie would love that."

"And so would I, Aubrey."


We got to the store and walked through the aisles with Ellie in tow, touching every toy within her reach.

"So, Morgan tells me you're from Vermont? How do you like it there?" Lesli asked, making casual conversation.

"I like Vermont, I'm originally from Portland, Maine though. I moved to Vermont to be with my dad when he got sick," I confessed.

"Aren't you a doll? Hopefully, he's all better now."

"He passed away before Ellie was born, actually. Liver cancer."

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to... God rest his soul," she said empathetically.

"Thank you," I smiled faintly.

"How about your mom? Does she still live in Maine?"

"I'm not sure actually. She calls once in a blue moon, asking for money, but that's about it. I was 18 the last time I saw her, she's never even seen Ellie. Nor has she expressed any interest to," I admitted. "Ellie's the only family I have, really."

"Well, not anymore, darling. You have us now," she said, wrapping her right arm around my shoulders and squeezing them gently. "It was about time I saw my son with a nice girl by his side. I've had a hard time accepting some of his past... choices. You always want what's best for your kids and you have no idea how many nights I prayed that someone like you would come into his life. A good woman with a good heart who would encourage him to make the right choices," she said. "I'm really glad you decided to give him a chance after all. He would kill me if he knew I told you this but you have no idea how disappointed he was when you decided not to come. He had called me on the phone the night before telling me how he was bringing home the girl of his dreams and how I would be so happy to get a bonus grandchild, he was so excited. When I saw him getting out of that truck by himself, all disappointed, my heart broke," she said. From mom to mom, I knew what she meant. Seeing your kids hurting is worse than being hurt yourself.

"I didn't mean to hurt him, I just had to be sure, you know," I explained. "Jared had said some things and I needed to make sure he was serious before dragging Ellie into this."

"Oh, honey. You do not have to justify a single thing to me. I know my son, I know he's not perfect and he comes with his set of challenges. And I know Jared, he's a fine young man and I'm sure he had his reasons to tell you what he told you, but Aubrey, as God is my witness, if my son doesn't treat you right, you come to me, honey. I'll give him a piece of my mind. You sweet, sweet girl," she said, gently squeezing my arm. The more time I spent with this woman, the more she felt like the mom I had always wished to have. Morgan didn't know how lucky he was to come home to a woman like this everyday growing up. Someone so kind and supportive.

"Thank you Mrs. Wallen," I said.

"Oh please, if you don't want to call me mom, at the very least call me Lesli."


So, I know these last few chapters have not been the most exciting but I have things coming up to make up for it! I know this hasn't been getting as many votes in the last couple of days so I hope you guys are still engaging with my content! If there are things you don't like/want less of or things you absolutely love/want more of, please let me know!! I absolutely love getting your feedback! 


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