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"I do feel sorry for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for christmas because they're not wanted at home," Draco says looking at Weasley and Potter in our last potions class until christmas break. I couldn't help but laugh along with every other Slytherin in the room.

"I can't wait to go dress shopping," I said as we walked into the common room.
"For what?" Parkinson asked
"Draco and my wedding, of course," I said, trying to keep my laughter in as her face dropped.
Messing with Pansy is my favorite hobby, why play Quidditch when you can mess with Pansy Parkinson.
"Your invitation may be lost but just in case I will have someone send you another one." Draco said, going along with my joke. And with that she ran up to the dorm, me taking her seat on the couch, Blaise plopped down beside me with a smirk.

"So Christmas plans anyone?" Blaise said, taking his gaze from me to the rest of the group.
"We should all meet up on the first Friday," Nott said, making plans.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Ok but let's go to Diagon Alley, I have to buy a dress," I said, making the guys look at me like it was the worst thing ever.
"Hell no, it took you 10 minutes to find an outfit for the games last week," Gregory said with disapproval,

"Fine then you guys can hang out and I will go off on my own with no one but me there, in a busy place with lots of guys, hey do you think one will ask for my number or maybe two will," I said knowing this will get Gregory attention. But instead Blaise spoke up "Maybe she won't take that long," he said trying to convince the rest of them.
"Whatever," Gregory said, clearly defeated.

"Hey, someone play wizard chess with me," Nott said.

"Hell no," said Riddle.
"No way," Darco responded.
"Nope," Gregory said.
"Why would you want to, you've played all of us and beat us?" Blaise says.
"I will," I say, confused.

"Do you know how to?" Nott said while Gregory laughed.
Nott gave Gregory a confused look. "Yeah, how hard can it be?" I ask.

I learned how to play from my father when I was 6, Nott has no idea what he is getting himself into. And of course I like the element of surprise so I set the chess pieces up wrong.
He laughed and fixed them.

"Check," he said with a laugh.
I get out of check and let the game go on before I get bored. I put him in checkmate without saying it to add to the fact that ' I have no idea what I am doing '
"Wait, did I just win," I said with a gasp to act surprised.
"Again," He said, so we played again and again, before I won for the 3rd time.

"Again," He says for the third time.
"What? No you can stay here and rethink your life's choices, but I want lunch, Bye Nott," I say with a smirk.
"Finally," Blaise says as he follows me out the common room door.

"You didn't have to wait, you could have gone with Riddle, Draco, and Gregory," I said as we continued to walk.
"Yeah I know but I wanted to," He said, hitting his shoulder with mine. I laughed and played it cool when we sat down at the table in front of each other.

"He finally beat you," Gregory said as I sat between him and Draco.
"What? No way," I said laughing.

They continued to talk and I continued to look at the way that Blaise teeth shine when he laughs, and the way his eyes remind me of warm coffee, oh and his smile is my all time favorite. I finally look away when Nott comes in.

"Hey, Nott, how's your day going?" I ask with a huge smirk.
He gives me a look that says 'drop it' so I do.

"Are we all sneaking out to the pitch tonight?" Riddle asked. Everyone said yes except for me, of course.
"Kaylus?" Blaise asked hopefully, "Sorry no can do, I have detention with Snape." I said biting into an apple.
"I thought you got in trouble with Professor Flitwick?" Said Draco. "Yeah but he said he quote 'Doesn't want to deal with me' so Snape it is I don't even know what I did," I said.
"Other than shot water and the mudblood and weasel," Gregory said laughing.

Pretty face, Dark soul.      DISCONTINUEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя