Welcome to California

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(Kiara's POV)

"Welcome to California, ma'am." I nodded with a sheepish smile as I trudged my luggage down the small flight of stairs. After a long almost two day bus ride I had finally touched down in sunny Huntington Beach, California where I would be spending the next three months for my first summer vacation after high school. I normally live in Texas, just outside El Paso with my mom and stepdad. My parents had split when I was about ten, Dad didn't want to be a rancher anymore and packed up to move here in the hopes of becoming a commercial deep sea fisherman. Ironically enough that never happened and instead he became a lawyer. We still kept in touch over the years and he always came to visit but this was my first time here. I peered over towards the front of the bus depot and couldn't help but to grin as I noticed his familiar face staring back at me. "Kitten! Over here!" As I headed in his direction I couldn't help but to change my expression dramatically when I realized that he wasn't alone. A slender build older woman with blonde hair and blue eyes was hanging onto his shoulder as I neared closer. Who the hell was she?! He never once mentioned he had a girlfriend to me at all when I last talked to him! Trying my best to hide the clear displeased look on my face, I immediately embrace him in a hug. "Daddy! I'm so excited to finally be out here with you and see what it's all about." Instead of responding he turned his attention towards the mystery woman. "Kiara, this is Danielle, my fiancé." What?!?!

She sticks her hand out for me to shake but I can't seem to even comprehend the words that had just come from my dad's mouth. He was engaged?! He was getting remarried?! What a total shit storm this summer was turning into already. "Kia, where are you manners?" I return my attention back on the woman and shake it weakly. "Sorry, Dad. This is just all so sudden, you've never once mentioned that you were getting remarried or the fact that you even had a girlfriend." Both their faces tint red as they look at one another shyly. "I know it seems sudden sweetie but I promise, you'll really like Danielle. She has a lot in common with you." I sigh but flash a forced smile. This was going to be the longest three months of my entire life.

The car ride to back to the house was even more agonizing to say the least. Danielle wouldn't shut up the entire time about different flavors of cake and colors of the bridesmaid dresses. Plus she even had the audacity to call my natural cowgirl drawl cute. Can you believe that? "We're here princess." I didn't waste any time scrambling out of the backseat and dragging my bags out with me. The house itself was a sand color, pretty huge, with sprawling flowerbeds, a big water fountain, and cobblestone walkways. But the inside was even bigger, that's what really sparked my interest. "What room am I staying in?" I ask my Dad as he and 'Danielle' stood beside me in the massive entryway. "Upstairs to the far left, last door on the right hun." Without another word I almost sprinted up the winding staircase to see what my room would look like. Surprised was definitely an understatement. "Holy fuck." The walls were adorned in black paint with white pinstripes, pictures of my favorite bands and even the Texas state flag. Well, clearly this was one way to try and win me over after the big news Dad decided to lay on me in the first five minutes I had been here. Never the less I was glad at least I had one good thing to look forward to while being here. Now if only I could find a way to get out and go explore on my own. "You like it Kia? I had the best designers in all of Orange County come and help design your room for me." I give him a halfhearted hug as a thank you but roll my eyes slightly as he bragged about the money he had put into it. "Anyways Dad, is it fine if I head out and go explore the town? I'm a bit restless after the long bus ride."

He tells me that he'll have his housekeeper get my bags situated and that the downtown area was only a short ten minute walk in the direction left of the house. I give him a swift peck on the cheek before grabbing my bag and whizzing out the door. It was only around one in the afternoon which meant I had a good seven hours of daylight still to plan around. "Oh Kiara, are you going someplace?" I'm stopped suddenly by Danielle as she appears around the corner from the front door. I hesitate greatly, not even sure if I should answer her or not. "Um, I'm going to check out the town. Why?" She just shakes her head, smiling uneasily at me. "Nothing, never mind. Have a nice time." Feeling weird enough I practically bolt out the door and down the driveway without another look back. The cool breeze of the ocean air whipped softly at my face as I walked casually down the street taking in all the sights and sounds around me. People were dressed in mostly swimwear and casual attire, making me feel super overdressed in my ripped jeans and boots. Shops of all kinds had soon come into my view which I couldn't wait to wander inside of but first, I needed a coffee break. I noticed a small but cozy looking café out of the corner of my eye and immediately went to it. The woman at the counter was super friendly as she took my drink order, pointing out that my accent was certainly not from around here. "Oh I'm visiting from Texas." She beams, saying that her grandparents owned a rodeo in Dallas and before you know it we're rambling on, earning glares from the line that had gathered behind me. I thank her for the chat and take my iced mocha to one of the tables nested in the corner of the place.

"Hey! Stop stealing my cookies! Get your own!" A loud voice booms from across the room as I peer to my left, almost suddenly being pelted in the face with a flying chocolate chip cookie. Just as I'm about to glare at whoever it was that threw it, I'm met face to face with a mesmerizing pair of hazel eyes. "Shit, I'm so sorry about that. Jimmy didn't mean to almost kill you, I promise. He's very protective of his sweets." I'm dumbstruck as I can't break away from his stare but manage to somehow compose myself enough to speak up. "Uh, it's alright I guess. Not everyday you're facing certain death by a flying sweet." His lips turn into a warm smile which makes his cheeks show an adorable pair of dimples. "Name's Matt. You're not from here obviously, I can tell by your voice. Texas?" I shake my head with a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kiara." He gives my hand a gentle shake before motioning over his shoulder towards the table he came from where three other guys sat around. "That is a pretty name. I guess this is definitely a different type of way to welcome someone to our piece of paradise. Oh and over there are my friends Jimmy, Brian, and Zacky." They each give a wave that I politely return. "Anyway, how long you in town for?" I paused some, being a bit cautious about telling a perfect stranger about my personal business. But seeing as he was incredibly gorgeous and nice to me thus far, I figured it couldn't hurt a bit. "Just for the summer, I'm visiting my dad. It's my first time here after graduating so I'm exploring the town. I've been here maybe two hours so far." He nods, genuinely seeming interested in what I had to say. "Although truth be told I'm not sure what else there is to do around here."

He tells me that they had just finished school this year too and that they were in a band called Avenged Sevenfold but usually liked to be known by A7X for short. "You don't like metal or screaming music, do you?" I grin at his question that prompts me to show him my 'Misfits' skull tattoo on my wrist. "Nice! Well if you're in the mood for a different type of party, we're actually playing a show this Friday." He hands me a flyer with a couple random bands listed on it including theirs. "I'll try my best to be there. I guess I better get going though, I have to be back before it gets late. It was nice to meet y 'all. You too Matt." I wasn't sure what had came over me that made me want to get out of there so quickly but I beelined for the exit after exchanging goodbyes with the group. I guess it had to be the mixture of nerves and caffeine. I swore to myself that this was going to be a vacation strictly for having fun and living it to the fullest. Sure, meeting new people was always going to be a possibility but I was not going to get involved in any sort of romance while I was here. No way, not this time around. "Hey! Kiara! Wait up." I turn slightly, seeing Matt trying to catch up to me up the way. "Here, in case you get lost or something." I take the folded up piece of paper from him, tucking it safely away in my pocket. "Thanks. See you later." He heads in the opposite direction from me and I can't help but to feel a blush creep onto my face.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be one hell of a summer.

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