Once that was done she tell him what she did in the dream

Izuku: I mean that a better result then now I guess

So let skip a week it got nicer out Izuku is the one to ask Kaina out on a date of course she accepted this is her outfit

So let skip a week it got nicer out Izuku is the one to ask Kaina out on a date of course she accepted this is her outfit

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Izuku wore casual clothing for their date they were having a nice time intel a girl came in asking Izuku out

Kaina pinned her to the ground and aimed her rifle at her

The girl plea to be released she wasn't going to do anything else she made a bullet and loaded it this bullet has a blunt end so it can't kill anybody

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The girl plea to be released she wasn't going to do anything else she made a bullet and loaded it this bullet has a blunt end so it can't kill anybody

After firing it hit her target the girl fall down face first

After that they enjoyed their date of course

So soon after Kaina told nezu she wanted to be a teacher and a tutor for one Izuku Midoriya

Nezu oblivious knows what she was doing and knew how terrifying a girl can be when in love he has to many restraining orders against two students multiple times now

So around the weekend Kaina was hugging Izuku while he eat something she was very clingy but if you get a traumatize form a super realistic dream that lasted months he would be clingy too

So a little information Kaina was not playing favorites at all if you fall her class and your her boyfriend she doesn't care should've done better

So at the apartment Izuku noticed how many men try getting with her

Izuku: I noticed you were asked out......

Kaina: why jealous? Baby?/ she had a smug face

Izuku////: n-no I am not!

Kaina: don't be so jealous~

She got up and hugged him he felt her chest press against his head

He had a little anger towards her because she was paying attention to some random guy

But obviously got over it

Let skip four years

Let see Kaina threaten nezu because he didn't make more hero go with the class at the USJ incident then for her boyfriend get extremely hurt at the camp and how they are still sexually harassed the female student because just look at Toru suit or lack one of and any other problems she actually got multiple people sighted something that make ua do hell a lot more to keep their students safer then before and of course they do what to deal with someone who works for the hero corporation

Izuku became the three most popular hero with a certain horned grayed hair girl as their adopted daughter

So Kaina unfortunately retired way to soon but as her defense she was just tired of everything she just wanted to watch horrible movies and anime to laugh at pls she didn't want to have the chance of dying yet just because she was a hero on a daily basis

So later of course they got married and had two children twins actually and a little Eri bing a flower girl many died from the cuteness of the little candy apple girl

So their children names and quirks are

The son is first Ryu Midoriya his quirk is a mechanical, best one where on his body small ports are placed on his body that allows him to use fire but they are the most powerful in his feet for some odd reason but he doesn't have the resistance to the flames he makes so being extra careful is his only option / ports are technically aren't even their it kinda like fire force MC

Next is the daughter name is Kana midoriya she can make weapons out of her own body only at the cost of her mess like bone and muscle lessen each time she used it but of course she learned how to make powerful weapons at a lesser cost / fun fact about her bullets she fires they grow small legs and crawl back to her resorbing back into her body 

So in their early sixties kaina convinced Izuku to retire she didn't what him to be safe with her for the rest of the years/ they were rich enough even 30 generations later they wouldn't even scratch the amount of money even a few hundred generations only one percent of the money wouldn't go down

Right now the two grew old together soon passed away as they didn't care

Both engulfed by darkness where they looked old still when a orb of light with a smile on the orb nothing else

?????: hello love birds now I'll make this quick I am reincarnation you two

Izuku: can I ask why?

?????: I loved your story so any questions

Kaina: why us those?

?????: because you two are true lovers by soul by heart and by nature it was beautiful I think it even made a few gods cry

Izuku: will we remember anything?

?????: no that is against the law of the world but some things will may seem similar to you that it

Kaina: what is your name?

????: you may call me—oops times up for you bye bye

Both saw a bright light

We see at the same time a boy and girl are born the boy has purple and pink hair and the girl has dark green hair both were named and as life works in mysterious ways they met and fall in love like before this time in different bodies and at different times
I hope you enjoy

who is going to be the yandere for our green roll I would like some i ideas

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