Subaru could only sigh as he comfort his only friend

'What is Shu doing making Roka cry?'

Meanwhile, Ayato was waiting in Yui's room to drink her blood. But then he discovers the bite mark left on her neck. Concluding that it was Shu, Ayato drags Yui in search of Shu's fianceè, Roka. They reach her room

"She's not here" Ayato whispers to himself

"I-I heard she was doing homework with Subaru" Yui says

"Then that's where we're going" Ayato says as he drags Yui to Subaru's room

Ayato angrily opens the door

"Roka! Do you know what your fiancè did?!" he exclaims

He sees Roka crying in Subaru's arm, with both of them looking at him

"I guess you do" he says

"Not now Ayato, I'm furious and upset about the situation myself!" Roka says as  more tears leave her eyes

"R-Roka?" Yui says as she looks at Roka with worry

"And you brought the other culprit too?! Get out!" Roka cries sadly

"Come on, you're making her more upset" Subaru says in annoyance

Ayato clicks his tongue and approach the bed where his brother and friend are

"What are you doing crying? This is not the Roka I know. You just gonna let him get away with that? Let's show him a piece of our minds!" Ayato says

Roka looks at him and wipes her tears away

"You're right Ayato! Let's go get him!" Roka says as she stands up from her bed

"U-Uh guys" Yui says as she worriedly stare at the two who looks ready to kill

"Great, then get out of my room" Subaru says boredly

Roka and Ayato joins forces. They then go to confront Shu, pulling Yui with them, leaving Subaru in his room alone

"Shu!" Roka says as they enter the room angrily

There they find Shu sleeping on the sofa, they stomp angrily towards him

"Are you trying to pick a fight with us or something?" Ayato says

"How dare you touch another woman!" Roka says

Shu doesn't respond

"Hey! Are you listening to us?!" Ayato says angrily

"Yeah! Explain yourself at once!" Roka demands

After a few moments of silence

"Keep your voices down please" Shu says boredly

Ayato and Roka glares at him harder

"I challenge you to a game of darts"--Ayato

"It's too much trouble"

"Why you!"--Roka

Then they hear Laito clapping. They turn around to look at him

"Sounds like fun to me. And the prize for the winner of the game is the two lovely ladies of course *Chuckle* I can't wait"

"Prizes?" Yui

"I've had enough of this noise" Reiji suddenly appears

"Why must you always cause such a commotion?" he says

"Go away Reiji, this doesn't concern you" Roka says seriously, not leaving her gaze from Shu

"*Sigh* What's going on?" he asks

Ayato and Roka talks at the same time, making it hard to understand them. But Reiji does pick up the rage and figured that Shu is the reason behind it

"I couldn't care less about this girl so don't look at me, why don't you all just be quiet and let me go back to sleep" Shu says

"What a lame response. Why am I not surprised? Leave it to Shu to shrink back when he's faced with an honest challenge. If you look up the word spineless in the dictionary, you'll see his picture right next to the definition. He can't do anything without help. That good for nothing deadbeat" Reiji says

He then turns to Roka

"This is the man you chose to marry, I'm surprised you haven't dropped him like a stone yet" he says

Normally, Roka would argue with Reiji for insulting Shu, but she's so angry at Shu, she just crosses her arms

After moments of silence, Shu finally sits up

"Ayato. I will play your game after all" he says

"He took the bait, don't let him defeat you, Ayato" Roka whispers

"Right" Ayato nods

Diabolik Lovers: The Fiancée (Shu X OC)Where stories live. Discover now