Thrumming paws skirted on the ground and a voice sounded. "Maplepaw? Maplepaw!" Maplepaw recognized Applepaw' s voice. "No! You're going to be okay! Don't leave me!" He pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

Maplepaw couldn't respond.

"I love you, Maplepaw..."

Then everything fell silent as darkness engulfed her.


"When is she going to wake up, Moonbreeze?" A voice urgently ordered.

Moonbreeze replied in her sweet tone, "Echoflight, give her time. She has endured a lot."

Echoflight sighed and began to pace, her pawsteps echoing on the cold stone floor.

Maplepaw blinked open an eye, wincing. The crisp scent of herbs immediately told her she was in the medicine den.

Echoflight nearly yowled as she saw Maplepaw open her eyes.

"Thank Starclan you're awake!" She cried, bounding over to her
daughter. She covered her face with licks and she gently rested her tail on Maplepaw's flank. " You are so brave." She whispered, "I thought for sure you had joined Starclan!"

Maplepaw was fully awake now. "What? What happened?"

"Don't you remember? The dogs attacked but you led them back to their twolegs. Apparently, one attacked you after you had ran away from the patrols and it nearly killed you!" Echoflight explained softly.

Moonbreeze pitched in," You are very luck to be alive."

Maplepaw dipped her head, "I know."

Echoflight pressed closer, " And there's one more thing I have to tell you, but it will have to wait till you're completely better."

Maplepaw tilted her head, wondering what her mother could be talking about. "Tell me!"

Echoflight shook her head," Nope. My lips are sealed." She added," But I promise, you'll be thrilled."

Maplepaw let out a sigh.

"You should get some rest." Moonbreeze meowed, pressing a sour smelling herb to Maplepaw's side.

Unable to argue anymore, Maplepaw closed her eyes and drifted into a dreamless, but sound sleep.


"Today's a big day!" Moonbreeze announced, bounding into the medicine den.

Maplepaw lifted her head, clearing the sleep from her glowing, amber eyes. "What? Why?"

"You are free to leave the medicine den!" She replied happily.

Maplepaw jolted out of her nest. Being forced to stay inside the den for six sunrises had nearly driven Maplepaw insane. However, she knew the sooner she got well again, the sooner she could resume her duties.

"Really? Great!" Maplepaw squealed like a kit, stepping out of her nest stiffly.

Maplepaw inhaled deeply. The scents of newleaf were on the air brightening Maplepaw's spirits even more. She padded towards the enterance, Moonbreeze at her side.

The sunshine greeted them warmly for the first time in moons. Small buds were beginning to form on the trees, filling the air with a sweet smelling scent.

"Maplepaw!" Mistpaw yowled, exploding from the apprentices den. She raced towards her sister and licked her cheek, their previous argument apparently forgotten. Lionpaw followed more slowly.

"I thought you were dead! We were all so worried!" She mewed, "Oh, you were so brave!"

Maplepaw, a bit overwhelmed, pressed into her sister's soft grey fur. "It's okay. " she purred, "I'm okay."

A voice behind her startled her,"Well, if it isn't our little warrior!" Redstorm's deep mew rumbled. Echoflight appeared beside him, her tail twined with his.

Maplepaw ducked down under her father's praise. It was rare that he ever praised her.

Suddenly, a thought drifted through Maplepaw's mind. Echoflight said that there was something she had to tell me after I was better, Maplepaw thought with a lighthearted sigh, I wonder what it was?

"Echoflight," Maplepaw mewed, stepping towards her mother,"What were you going to tell me a few sunrises ago- y'know, you said, 'your lips were sealed'." Maplepaw drew a paw over her whiskers.

Echoflight exchanged a glance with Redstorm and Mistpaw before replying, "You'll find out in a few moments. "

Maplepaw opened her mouth to reply, but she was interrupted by a yowl. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather!" Breezestar announced loudly.

I wonder what this could be about, Maplepaw wondered silently. She wordlessly followed her family and took a seat next to them. In just a few heartbeats, the entire clan was gathered.

Breezestar continued, "Almost a quarter moon ago, as most of you know, a few of our clanmates- and Riverclan cats- were attacked by dogs."

Maplepaw intently perked her ears, eagerly awaiting the coming words.

"Everyone fought very bravely, but one in particular specifically stood out. She nearly gave her life for the two patrols to escape by leading the dogs away."

The camp was dead silent, their eyes round as they listened.

"Luckily, by Starclan's grace, she survived and is here with us today. Did I mention she's an apprentice?" Breezestar paused as gasps could be heard. He moved on, "And, it is time for her to become a warrior. Maplepaw, come forward."

Maplepaw's mouth dropped. She spun around to look at Echoflight, who looked like she was about to explode with happiness. She felt the burning stares of her clanmates as she stumbled towards the Highrock.

"Maplepaw, you have proven your courage and your bravery, and you will now become a warrior." Breezestar paused for a breath, "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Maplepaw responded, her voice steady and echoing throughout the clearing.

Breezestar flicked his tail, "Very well then. Maplepaw, from this moment forward, you will be known as Mapleshade..."

Mapleshade's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now