Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Max had the grace not to question her navigating but around the forty minute mark, he did gently point out that there didn't seem to be any parks in the close vicinity. 

"Damn it." Dylan groaned, "I've led us in a circle, our hotel is two streets over."

"Oh for fucks-" Max started to swear but one look at Dylan's upset and apologetic face stopped him, "I mean- it's okay, don't worry. Should we ask someone?"

He was rewarded with one of her bright smiles and she bounded over to the nearest person, tapping them on the shoulder and bursting into a stream of friendly Spanish. He still marvelled at hearing her speak; it wasn't the fact that she was bilingual because he was himself, but something about the way she spoke in Spanish was completely alluring. 

When she returned, she said, "Okay, so it's actually the opposite direction. I know where to go now!"

"Hmm." He raised an eyebrow, "As confident as last time?"

"Even more so." 

"Fine, lead the way."

A beeping on Dylan's phone caught her attention and she looked down before spinning around  with her back to Max, her rucksack in his face, "Can you grab the ibuprofen from my front pocket?"

He frowned, "Wait a minute. Are you even meant to be out walking?"

"Yes!" She insisted, "I got the sign off, I just still need the pain relief every now and again."

He made an unimpressed grumbling sound but there was a tug on her shoulders as he dipped into the front pocket and pulled out the pill packet. Swiftly popping out two pills, he handed them over and reached around for his own water bottle in his rucksack side pocket. 

She took it gratefully and swallowed the medicine, "Ready to go then?"

Max opened his mouth to reply but then hesitated as he glanced at something over her shoulder. Before she could question him, his hand clamped around her wrist and pulled her across the street. She realised his intention as she was spun around and she couldn't find the energy to argue with him about it; certainly, it was a thoughtful solution to keep her off her feet.

The bright red double-decker tourist bus was fairly empty as they climbed on. Max paid for both their tickets and then he lead them up to the front seat on the top deck, giving Dylan a fantastic field of view for her camera shots. 

"There. Now you can't get us fucking lost." Max stated, leaning back on the seat.

She rolled her eyes at his gruff nature, knowing it was nothing more than cover for his more gentle intentions, "Thank you, Max."

"Yeah, whatever." He mumbled, but there was a small smile on his face. 

The bus pulled away from the stop and Dylan pulled out her camera. There were a few stops before they'd arrive at Park Guell. The breeze blew through her hair, cooling her and she smiled in contentment. 

Her camera captured the beautiful architecture as they drove past. An idea struck her and she shifted in her seat, turning her camera to face Max. He eyed her sceptically as she shuffled around. 

"I have a fun game." Dylan announced, "Let's see how much Spanish the great Max Verstappen knows."

Max ran a hand through his hair, groaning at the idea. 

"Come on!" She persuaded, "It's good to get outside your comfort zone!" 

"Oh really?" He said, an eyebrow raised, "You know, I think you've gotten too comfortable behind the camera. If we're going to do a social media challenge, we'll do it properly."

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