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*short chapter*


Me and tyler was in class listening to the teacher talk and bitch about how barely anybody did his homework.

me and tyler wasn't really listening to him considering we did it well I did BOTH of them.

"you got some food ma?"tyler whispered

"yeah i got some chips and fruit snacks" i said

(fruit snacks hit🤭)

"give me them chips" he said and  i handed them to him

he started opening them when mrs.oak our teacher said something

"tyler may i ask why your eating?" she asked

"i'm hungry ma'am" he said

"well i really don't care you're not allowed to eat" she said

"but you see kaylee over there eating and this nigga mark eating a whole buffet as we speak" he said

"i didn't ask you what they was doing! i told YOU. YOU can NOT have any snacks in here!" she yelled

(yelling for what?)

"you yelling mrs and i'm talking to you calmly" he said

"tyler get out" she said

"for wh-" she cut him off

"get out!" she yelled

"you don't have to yell at him like that" i said

"well you can leave too then" she said

"gladly" i said grabbing my bookbag.

"that's why yo husband cheating now" tyler mumbled walking out.

"tyler that's not nice" i said

"youn see how she was yelling at me for doing something almost the WHOLE class was doing" he said

"i do but we have free period next period anyways so idm" i said and he nodded

"i'm hungry asf" he said rubbing his stomach

"we can go to mcdonald's when free period starts " i said

"igh fs"


"yo where y'all going?" his bsf shaun asked

"to mcdonalds a nigga hungry asl"tyler said

"ight bet me and yasmine coming" he said

"she got free period?" i asked


"oh well yall cmon" i said walking out as they followed behind

"tyler i heard you got yelled at by mrs.oak" yas said

"yeah she got mad cause i was eating but kaylee was eating" he said

"kaylee her favorite student they call eachother twins" yas said

"they is twins.. they both annoying asl" i  said

"i rmb kaylee told on me because i sharpened my pencil before she did" shaun said

"naw thats wild"yas laughed

"man my fuckin stomach hurt" tyler said

"must been them chips" i said

"you poisoned them? you tryna kill ya nigga" he said

"why would i kill my man?. if i wanted you out this world i would've did it 3 years ago when we met" i said and he side eyed me

"mmm a lot of  physcopaths say that same thing" he mumbled

"boy su" i pushed him

"aye tyler i'll watch my back if i was you" shaun said

"now y'all playing with me" i mugged 

"pause" yas said


"we just joking ma" tyler said kissing me

"ik yall was cause i'll never hurt my man" i said causing tyler to smile

"yeah cause she reall dululu" yas said

"not to much"

"we gotta go back already" shaun said

i sighed "well let's pack it up"

we got everything tg and walked back to the school

"this is fucking crazy" yas said as we walked in seeing people crowd around 2 people fighting.

the teacher tried to break it up but one ended up getting punched.

"oh my damn" tyler said

"that nigga got punched to the earth"

"this what we gotta deal with everyday"

y'all ready for school to start back up??

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y'all ready for school to start back up??

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