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I sat and waited for Jere outside the escort's rehearsal. 

"Wait, so you're telling me you got onto Conrad last night? But it seemed like something happened when she came back?" I questioned.

I had been on call with Taylor while Belly was off somewhere.

"Yeah. I think that her and Conrad had a moment, but when I spied on them she looked angry, so I have no real clue what happened. She's so icy about it too," Taylor explained.

The door burst open and many guys fled the scene. 

"Jere!" I called, and he left Steven's side.

"Come on man!" Steven groaned.

"Sorry Taylor, I gotta go," I said.

"Go see your man, just come by the house before I leave!" she suggested.

Jere kissed me softly, and I just smiled up at him. Jere turned back to Steven.

"I've been dealing with this all summer with you and Shayla, let me have my turn bro," Jere joked.

"Oh my god," I said, realizing something.

"What's wrong?" Jere asked.

"Shayla. I haven't told Shayla," I explained. "Steven, any idea where she is? Also, do you guys have availability for a double date?"

"Woah, woah, woah. I don't know. She spends a lot of time out at the pool with the debs," he said.

I quickly looked down at my phone.

Shayla! Where are you?! I have big news!

"I'm sure she won't be upset," Jere comforted.

"She won't be, I'll just feel especially guilty," I explained.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at it. 

Shayla: Out by the snack bar waiting for Steven, what's up?

I quickly rushed out to the snack bar.

"Y/n!?" Jere called.

"Snack bar! Shayla!" I explained without explaining.

I found her sitting at the bar and sat down beside her. 

"Woah, someone looks out of breath. What's wrong?" she asked.

"Jere and I are together," I explained, nearly out of breath.

"Jeremiah Fisher?" she questioned.

"You called?" Jere chimed.

I looked to see both of the boys there.

"When did this happen? Steven did you know about this?" she asked.

"I mean, Jere talked a lot about her-" Steven started.

"And that's the end of that. He only found out a few minutes ago," Jere said, very embarrassed.

Him being embarrassed was a cute look. I couldn't remember ever really seeing him like that, maybe a few times when we were younger, but it had been over silly things.

"Wow, okay," Shayla said. "We should all go out sometime."

"I know, and it's so cute because you and I are close, and Jere and Steven are too," I gabbed.

"Jeez, you two are excited," Steven said.

Jere patted Steven, "Leave it, they're acting all cute."

I looked over to Jere with a smile and he just picked me up in a hug. He really was very lovable and affectionate. 

"Well, I have to get home for a workout, but I'll make plans with you later Y/n, okay?" Shayla asked.

I nodded, "Sounds great."

Steven and Shayla walked off and Jere and I sat back down.

"Anything you want to do today?" Jere asked.

"I'm not sure," I said.

"Well, my mom has been begging me to ask you over," he suggested.

"Really?" I asked. "Did you tell her?"

He nodded, "Yeah I did."

I smiled brightly, he was just as excited as I was.

"Well, that's good because my mom has wanted to do one big family dinner since umm.." I started, realizing that it had been a bit earlier than I'd wished.

"Since..?" He asked, and stood up to head to his car.

"Since Spencer and I broke up," I said as I followed him.

He laughed for a moment. Things just felt right with us. We made it back to his house and his mom immediately found me. 

"Y/n!" she said as she hugged me. "I've been dying to see you since Jere told me a couple of days ago that things were official."

"Was someone gloating?" I joked.


"Oh he was, he was so excited at breakfast and when Conny asked him about it he told us it was because you and him were dating!" Susannah said.

"Aww, that's so sweet," I cooed.

"It is, oh! We should have a cookout! You can invite your mom on over and we can have a nice family dinner. It's been a while anyway," she explained.

"That sounds great, she's been wanting to catch up," I said as I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Jere soon took me away from his mom and got me to go swimming in the pool with him. We sat there for a moment, kissing like we were in some kind of movie when there was a large splash. We both looked over to see Taylor and Belly had jumped in.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Taylor teased.

I simply splashed a bit of water in Taylor's direction, which only made everyone laugh a bit. 

"How long til you need to be dropped off?" Jere asked.

"Wow. Trying to get rid of me?" Taylor questioned.

We all laughed for a moment.

"We have a couple of hours so Belly and I thought we'd have one last swim," Taylor explained.

"Before we figured out this pool was already occupied," Belly joked.

"No, no it's fine," I said.

"Are you excited for the deb ball? It's only a couple of days away," Taylor asked me.

"I'm pretty excited. It's a moment I've been waiting for for a long time," I explained.

"What is the history with that anyway? I feel very out of the loop," Taylor asked.

"Well, my mom was a deb when she was my age. At the time it wasn't about marriage necessarily, but my dad was attending the same one for his sister. That night they met because of his sister and my mom being friends and after she passed, they both got even closer. Before they knew it, they were happily married. When I was young they told me how they held one here and how much my dad wanted to see his little girl dressed up like my mom was. After he got sick it seemed more important because then he would've gotten to see me in a white dress at least once," I explained.

"Wow... I didn't realize it meant that much," she said.

"I always loved hearing that story," Belly said with a smile. 

"Your dad used to tell it in the most entertaining ways too," Jere said.

"Yeah, he did," I smiled through the bit of sadness that clouded me.

I could feel Jere lace his fingers with mine, bringing me back to the present moment. I looked up at him and he smiled.

"How about one last pool game with Taylor?" he suggested.

"Let's go for it!" Taylor cheered.

"You two better be prepared to lose," Belly said.

"I don't know about that one," Jere said with a smirk.

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