25. Confession's night Pt. 2

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I thought I've cried all night, but when I woke up, I looked up through the window and it was still dark.

I always thought my parents didn't want me, and that was why I was in the orphanage. That's what they have said to me, but I never thought that the truth was that they were gone.

My eyes felt puffy, and my body heavy and I wasn't sure how I should feel with this new information. It's not like it changed much, though. But I was glad that Harrison was the one that told me, and it eased my heart to see him sleeping on the couch next to me. He probably fell asleep while soothing me.

I moved slowly not to wake him up, and once I was standing, I stretched and glanced one last time at him before going to the kitchen for some water and do some more thinking.

And I must have got lost in my thoughts because I didn't hear Harrison calling my name, or walking towards the kitchen.

- Rhia - he said across the kitchen island - I know this must be hard to... -

- it's fine, I'm fine - I said a bit more anxious that I was expecting, almost crashing the glass of water on the island - let's just go to bed, okay -

Harrison looked like he was going to say more, but thankfully he didn't, he smiled and nodded at me.

Once we were in our shared bedroom, I sat on the bed and try to calm down.

- Rhia, you know you don't have to pretend around me, you can be honest, sad, angry, anything you want to be right now.

- It's just, nothing has changed, Harrison, either way, It's still only me, it's always been just me and I don't even know how to live like this and-- I couldn't finish the sentence, my heart was in pain,
with such tenderness and love he held my face between his hands - How can it hurt so much losing someone I didn't even met?- I placed my hands on top of his and held them.

- because you're kind and you have a heart full of love. And you're strong Rhia, so so strong, you can change the world all by yourself, make it better, nicer, with so much love and hope than this one.

- I don't want to feel so alone Harrison, I don't want to feel like I don't deserve love -

- Rhia, don't say that, I love you and I will always look out for you- his beautiful eyes were filling now with tears - You're the reason I've survive this last years, I don't know what would I do without you. So please, be strong, baby please, be strong -

I nodded at him and we held each other like the world was going to end, we stayed like that for a long time, until we lay down, still holding each other.

- Good night, Rhia - he said and kissed my temple.

- Good night, Harrison -

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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