A Slash of the Steel

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"I can't believe you!" Dew's voice was laced with venom, as it often was, and his eyes flashed with fire. "There's a reason we talk about this kind of thing before the shows. There's a reason that we discuss blocking and where everything is before we even get to the fucking venue!"

"I didn't know that! Nobody told me," Phantom had tears in his eyes, hopelessness filling stomach. He should have known. He just wanted to be liked. It was only his first few weeks in the overworld, why was he expected to know all of this?

Dew inspected him for a few moments before scoffing and turning away, batting away Phantom's hand when he reached for him. "You should have at least asked. Satanas, just go back to your room, we'll talk about this later."

Phantom felt first anger, then despair course through his veins. They don't want you. They never have. You're not a part of their pack and you never will be.

"Satan, sometimes I wish Aether was still here." It was only an afterthought, mumbled into the empty hallway in front of him, but Phantom heard the words come from Dew's mouth nevertheless.

He wanted to hurt him back. He wanted to make Dew feel what the older ghoul was currently making Phantom feel. It might have been wrong, he would probably be something that Phantom would regret for years, but he lost control of what he was saying. "At least I'm not—" he started, before Dew glared in his direction, daring him to continue.

He stepped forward, crowding the younger ghoul against the wall, his tail flicking angrily behind him. "You're not what?"

Phantom gulped, the heat of Sodo's fire abilities nearly as tangible as his anger. He stood up straighter, trying to appear more confident than he really felt.

"At least I'm not the reason Aether left the band. It's your fault, Sodo."

The fire ghoul stepped back, his tail limp and his eyes full of hurt. "I-" he backed down the hallway, leaving Phantom feeling utterly guilty.

"Sodo!" Phantom called after him. "Sodo, I'm sorry!"

"Phantom!" Swiss ran down the hall towards him, a grin on his face and his costume still on from the ritual. "Sodo? What happened? Where's he going?"

"I didn't know."

"You didn't know what? What did you do?"

Phantom felt his phone ding, and he glanced at his quickly.


@cumulus posted: What the fuck phantom

Private Conversation with: Sodo

I'm sorry
Sodo please answer me

sodomizer: go awat

I'm sorry I didn't know

sodomizer: I don't care anymore phantkm I get that you hate me but I thought it was all fun and games

Real Life:

Swiss looked over Phantom's shoulder, and upon seeing Cumulus' tweet and the subsequent messages, rushed off towards where he saw Sodo disappear to.

"Sodo! Sodo, where are you?" Swiss shouted. Unfortunately the shorter ghoul was obnoxiously good at hiding.

"Swiss?" His words were small, broken. "Swiss I don't know what to do anymore. It was my fault."

"What was your fault? What happened?" Swiss took his boyfriend into his arms, gently petting the area in between his horns.

Sodo sniffled and Swiss practically carried him into his room. "Dew, what's wrong? Talk to me."

"He said it was my fault that Aether. . ." He took a deep breath, tears welling in his eyes. When he spoke again his voice was barely audible, lower than a whisper. "That Aether left."

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