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A soft breeze past through the streets of london, the sound of rummaging came from in front of an inn where a carriage stood.

a coachman sat upon it, yet there where no horses to be seen, at the back was an elderly man putting the luggage within and on the side.

stood a boy, his skin was pale and his hair was cut to the shoulders with two pieces left long and braided, it was white as a cloud.

his eyes where a soft shimmering lavender colour, over his left eye ran a scar, his features where soft and delicate.

his body frame was thin and it's language showed he was nervous.

"Remy" the elderly man spoke, coming to stand next to the boy who quickly turned his head to the man, having been taken of guard "It appears we are almost ready to depart"

the boy nodded.

"It's a pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend on spell-casting, i presume you've been practising the spells we worked on" the elderly man spoke calmly to the boy, knowing quit well of his anxiousness.

"I...i have, professor. as much as possible, promise" the boy stuttered slightly, voice low but respectful. he didn't want to disappoint the man.

"That's good to hear, my boy. well, i'm quite sure i've never seen anyone take so quickly to a second-hand wand" the elderly man complimented, making the boy look down, slightly flustered. he'd never been complimented before in his live until he met the man, he was still getting used to it.

"You'll be a force to be reckoned with when you get your own" the elderly man told him.

my own wand...

could i even get one?

i don't have the money...

"T..thank you, professor fig, i...appreciate you working with me before the term begi-" the boy spoke softly, showing his gratitude but was cut of by a loud pop.

the boy's head swept to the side faster then whiplash, eyes wide with an wild anxious look in them. his heart sped up as did his breath as his arms coiled around him and he took quick steps back, bumping into the carriage.

light blue and purple sparks flying around him.

the pop had come from another wizard, who looked around before seeing the two other's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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