uncle finds out 😅

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Chapter6: Meanwhile in shield 

Nick fury pov: sir there is a weird energy that popped up on the gated community residence area, commander Hill said. 

Ok then bring it up on the hollow map Nick tells her. 

Already on it sir Hill stated typing on her stark pad and bringing up things she researched on the abnormal energy appearance. 

Nick reads all of the information on screenand laughs because he knows exactly where this is at his nephew's house he keeps tabs on him in secret only agents who know are widow and Barton  chuckling and knows exactly who the damn stone chose after all of his talk about not wanting to have his own team of superheroes. I can hear him now swearing up and down about his luck.

Nick dials his nephews number waiting for him to pick up.

Malik pov: alright guys lets start by seeing who can knock me down first.

 Oh your so on i got this Jaxton said running toward malik then flipping over his back catch himself on a handstand  Going into a twin spinning kick.

Malik jumped and flipped backwards spinning around  then launched a ball of energy at Faith only to see her use a fireball with thunder around the orb as it start,  to fly at his attack causing a clash between them.

Faith smiles then uses the wind to trip him.

What the hell oh SNAP ouch that was.. awesome Faith you did good Malik said,smiling proudly. 

Oh thanks Faith said,smiling.

(Ringtone) cuz baby now we got bad blood you know we used to be mad love …

Malik quickly answered his phone knowing exactly who was calling he should have known his nosy uncle who would have had Shield monitoring him he huffed.

Hello what do you want Uncle Nick and why do you have Shield monitoring me and who else is listening into this call you do realize I can literally shut down any and all devices from where I am right now right? 

Awe cut it out. Can an uncle just not check on his favorite nephew just because he missed him? Nick asked  knowingly. 

 cut the crap Uncle Nick What do you want? Malik asked reluctantly. 

 you wouldn't happen to know anything about a huge energy surge where your Mansion is would you? Nick asked, smirking. 

I have no idea what you're talking about energy surge. What energy surge? you must be seeing things Malik quickly used his powers to alter what they we're seeing on the hollow table at Shield along with any other screen and images of what happened the other day. 

 Oh dear nephew you don't honestly think that your adoptive Shield parents who happened to be a redhead and Archer who won't leave my side until they get to talk to you got their information incorrect now do you, even if you just used your powers very irresponsibly and erased the shield data we had.  

Damn it, what do you want Uncle Nick? Malik asked, nervously. 

I just want my favorite nephew to come down to the Helicarrier along with the new superhero team I know that you have to brief  Me on the progress that you have been training them on and then I'll decide what I am going to do with this new team of yours once I see them for myself Nick said smirking. 

Damn it fine we'll be there shortly Malik said ending the call…

(humm I wonder what he wants vote and comment on what you think Nick fury wants? Till next time readers 😋)

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