Chapter 1 - "Love, Hugo"

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I was a provincial girl. My father worked as a driver and my mother cleaned houses. My life seemed normal, I had 2 close friends. We'd hangout after school and play until the sun goes down. "Thea! come here" my friend, Parker yelled. She seemed panicked with a bit of confusion. "What?" I asked. We were about to go to Hugo's house since school ended already. His parents were already used to us going there everyday after school. "Hugo and his family aren't here. Their house is empty. No furniture, nothing." My mind went blank. He didn't attend school but I thought it was because he was tired or sick. He didn't tell us anything about moving. "What?!" I yelled as I sprint to Hugo's house. It wasn't like Hugo to suddenly disappear, he tends to tell us everything. I stood at his doorway, the house was empty and eery. No furniture, No appliances, No family, and No sign of Hugo. I take a step back.

I have started developing feelings for him. He was kind, caring and playful. He was sweet like honey. I've known him for years before. Since we were toddlers and our mothers became friends, so did we. "Did tita tell you about something?" Parker said she seemed to grow calmer but still confused. "No," I said. "She didn't tell me anything, it was normal yesterday. She even gave me some biscuits. Nothing about moving or suddenly disappearing out of the blue on a random Tuesday. I ran to our house. Parker followed me. "Do you think your mom has something to know about this?" She said out of breath, but still followed me. "They have been friends for their whole lives. It's impossible she doesn't have a single clue about the disappearance of her best friend. I entered the house. She wasn't in the living room so I knew she was in the kitchen. "Mom? Mom!" I yelled still in a panic. She was in the kitchen, cooking dinner, but she was calm, collected, and unbothered. Just chopping some carrots. "Mom, did you know Hugo and his family are just suddenly gone? Didn't tita atleast say something to you?" I say frantically. She pauses. The silence fills the room. She walked to a nearby drawer and pulled out a letter. She looks at me, dead in the eyes. I never saw my mother that serious. Even Parker was shocked. She handed me the letter, still silenced. I quickly opened the letter. It read,

Dear Thea,

I'm sorry for my sudden leave. I didn't know we were moving until this morning. That's why I couldn't attend school or play with you after. I'm moving to Manila and starting school there too. It saddens me that I have to leave you, Parker, our classmates and community. Thea, you have always been a dear friend of mine. I will never forget you. Our happy friendship, I hope it doesn't change. I promise to write to you everyday on my journey. This is not the last time you'll hear from me. No matter where I go, I'll be there with you, well maybe in our imaginations.


Tears fell down my cheek. I don't even know what to say. Parker stares at me, hoping to know something. I run to her and hug her as tight as I can. My mom is looking at us. No reactions. She seemed so calm but tense. "Hugo.. he.." I try to speak but I'm crying so hard, it's hard to control my words. Knowing that I may not be able to see him felt like a knife to my chest. Parker hugs me tight, not wanting to let go. Since that day, I have never cried so much. Feeling hopeless and crying until I moved on. Of course, that was years after. As for Hugo, he never wrote. Not a single letter or souvenir. It took me a total of 3 years to move on. But even after 12, I think about him from time to time. How my dearest friend and someone I fell deeply in love for left me.

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