C h a p t e r < | > t w o

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|Tenma passes his school day like he usually does. Doesn't pay too much attention, but doesn't completely stop listening. There are two times where Tenma actually listens to the lesson:|
|- When the professor announces recess time|
|- When the professor writes something on the blackboard and Tenma has to note it (not noting it is not a choice, considering the fact that Tenma's level of memory towards something that isn't soccer or meeting up is the same as a jellyfish's)|
|It has mostly always been this way, since elementary school. Usually Tenma tries to keep a bit the focus at the start of the year, but... School was going to end that month. Tenma's level of care for his student future had already gone below the zero.|

Professor: Remember class, the school's prom is going to be in three weeks, if you check on my desk, you can already see the papers that you have to give to your parents to make them sign. So if you plan on going to the prom, take them. The papers will stop to be at your opportunity when reaching the last week before prom, so may you consider hurrying up.
Professor: Okay then. You are free to go, it's recess time.

|Tenma gets out of the classroom, to then hear a tap on his shoulder.|
???: Hello, Tenma.
|Tenma turns around and.. he sees Kyousuke.|
|Kyousuke looks at Tenma with a serious but calm look, a straight but trust-full smile.|
Kyousuke: There you are. I was looking for you before school, but I didn't see you and gave up.
Tenma's head: so he was searching for me.. how nice.
Tenma: Ahaha, yeah. I went to school with Aoi and we must've took a different path from the usual. How are you doing?
Kyousuke: Everything's fine. Me and my brother recently moved to a little apartment.
Tenma: Oh, really!? .... Whispers without your parents..?
Kyousuke: yeah.... Whispers we were... Tired, to be like puppets on a string for them. Talks normally But it was not such a big deal, you know? We were planning it from a long time, there wasn't that much of tearing up, or something like that. But.... Really. We had to leave.
|Tenma feels kind of sad, hearing Kyousuke's words. He always kind of knew that Kyousuke's relationship with his parents wasn't the best, but... He never thought it would have reached such turns of events.|
Tenma: I'm... Sorry to hear that. At least now you can live more happily and freely, right?
Kyousuke: yeah... Me and my nii-san are very happy now.
Tenma: I'm.. relieved to know that! |Tenma smiles. He's happy to know that Kyousuke's fine even if he has a bit of troubles with his parents.|
Kyousuke: Anyways.. Would you like to hang out after school, Tenma?
|Tenma slightly blushes from the question.|
Tenma: Y-yeah, of course! I'd love to!
Kyousuke: We could.. Meet up at the café near school. If you'd like. For... Like... Four pm?
Tenma: FOUR PM! YEAH! Y-Yeah... It sounds... Super awesome!! Ahah.
Kyousuke:... Are you okay, Te-
|Tenma rushes through the hallway and heads to his classroom.|
Kyousuke:... Dang. |Kyousuke half chuckles to Tenma's answer.|

Hi!! Welcome to the writer's angle!! <3

I'm sorry if you think that this piece of the story is sort of short, eheh.

But just you know, tomorrow there will be the café part!

Bye everyone! Have a good day/night.

(I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I am not english/american 🙇)

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