3. Unforgettable

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Sana is immediately in front of you the moment you close the door. And it looks like she's about to kill you.

"What the hell, Y/n? Do you have any idea of how worried I was?! You could've just called me or-" Sana suddenly interrupts herself when you turn around to face her, as if words got completely caught on her throat, and her expression turns from an angry one to a shocked one. "Oh."

She's staring at your neck.

You frown and hurry to the mirror placed on the living room.

Your eyes snap wide.

If Jungkook had one big hickey on his neck, you have a trail of these, purplish marks coming from the base of your jaw and down your neck, and for what it looks like, the trail goes down to your breasts.

"Oh." you gasp just like her, gulping.

I was walking on the street with these at sight?! And Jungkook didn't even bother pointing them out!

At this moment, you feel angrier than flustered.

"Well, I was about to beat you up, but for what it looks like you really didn't have time to answer my messages and calls," Sana says mischievously, quirking one perfect eyebrow. "Looks like your night was busy."

You let a defeated sigh and throw yourself on the couch. Your body still hurts, your head aches like hell and you feel very tired, even though you've just woken up.

Sana appears in front of you, handing you a pill of advil and a cup of water. She doesn't even need to ask if you're hungover or not, just by looking at the pain in your face and the melted make up, it's obvious.

"Thanks," you mumble and drink the medicine with a scowl. "You look fine."

Sana sighs and sits on the armchair, turning the TV on thankfully in low volume. It's obvious that she already took a shower, wears clean baggy clothes, and has her hair tied up. The only indication she also drank too much past night is her slightly swollen face, but she somehow still looks pretty.

"I don't know how, but I managed to get home by myself at, like, 5AM. I woke up thrown in the carpet." You smile, imagining the sight of a wasted Sana laying on the ground. "But I just noticed you weren't home at midday. Seriously, Y/n. Don't do this again. You almost killed me."

"I'm sorry," and you're actually sorry, guilty hitting you. You and Sana have a strict rule: it doesn't matter where you're going or with who, whenever you go out, especially at a party, you must at least send a message to each other.

As you unlock your phone and scroll through the hundreds of messages Sana sent, you notice she didn't break the rule:

[4:37 AM] bby bear: im goin g huom..e 🙂

"Gosh, I got really wasted," you mumble, caressing your own forehead.

"I know. You were worse than me. Not that I'm in position to judge you." She lifts her legs close to her chest. "Anyway, back on topic. It seems that your night was really fun. Who was the guy? Do you at least know him?"

She gives you a suggestive grin and you cringe. You and Sana are very close. She's your closest female friend, so you already have the intimacy to tell each other dirty details. You're used to tell her things you couldn't tell Jungkook for obvious reason. You may be best friends but you have the decency not to talk to him about your sexual life.

But now, honestly, you don't want to talk about it. You don't know yet how you feel about the whole situation. Besides, Jungkook made it clear. 'Let's forget this happened.' He'll probably feel embarrassed if you share this with Sana. At the same time you hope he won't mention the subject with Jimin.

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