1. angel of small death and the codeine scene

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CHAPTER ONEimessage and narrative

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imessage and narrative

july 28, 2022: storrs, connecticut


are you and kj leaving anytime
soon? didn't know you two
could be late to anything

shut up, we're on
our way
ashton's the one
who took forever

what? he had to
make sure his hair was

he took a nap and
missed his alarm to wake up
ky and i sat outside
his apartment for what felt
like forever
he says to be nice, he's reading
these over my shoulder from the

all out of love, ashton
i promise 🤞🏻

he said it better be 👍🏻

can you guys get here now
i miss you

u saw me when i
was photographing workouts
like four hours ago?

four hours too damn long ago

we will be there soon, i promise

okay, see you soon g

see u soon p :)

We made it to the party twenty-five minutes after it had started. I didn't even want to go, but Paige did, as did KJ and Ashton. Rather than being home alone, I decided to go. I didn't even know who was throwing it, just that it was going on.

Paige and some of the women's basketball team would be there, so all of my friends. KJ, my roommate, and her boyfriend, Ashton, insisted on me going. I had known Ashton longer than KJ because he had known Paige.

The Bueckers girl actually introduced him to KJ and they hit it off. She gave herself the nickname "matchmaker" and has yet to match anyone else together.

"You would think Miss Bueckers would be waiting outside because of how much she missed you, Gray," KJ says as we get out of my car—that she wanted to drive—and start walking toward the house.

"She's probably stalking our Life360 circle right now," I tell my roommate. The two of us have a circle on the app and it consists of KJ, Paige, Azzi Fudd, my sister, Caitlin, and Olivia Warren, Caitlin's "ex-girlfriend", but they never actually dated, just had a fling senior year of high school. Caitlin's been in love with that girl since she met her. Olivia's a close friend of Paige, Azzi, and I, so she's in the circle.

KJ just shakes her head, not believing it, "She's probably telling the truth, babe," Ashton tells his girlfriend, "Paige is kind of stalkerish."

"Gracelyn Clark!" I hear my name yelled from a distance in front of us and it isn't long before I see my blonde best friend running up to us.

I shake my head with a smile, wrapping my arms around her neck when she reaches us, "Hi, P," I say, feeling her hand run up and down my back, "Can I see your phone?" I ask.

Paige doesn't think twice as she gives me her phone, hugging KJ and then dabbing up Ashton. I put in Paige's password. It's her birthday and it's stayed that way for years. I swipe up on her screen, looking at her recent apps, finding Life360 in the front.

I smile, holding Paige's phone up to KJ, "I was right!" I cheer. I cheer. Paige laughs as I give her the phone back.

"Fuck! Do I owe you money now or what?" KJ snickers, looking at me.

I shake my head no, "Just be DD tonight and we'll call it even," KJ groans and playfully flips me off before making her way back to Ashton who automatically wraps his arms around her waist.

Technically, none of us were supposed to be drinking anyway because we were all underage, but no one really cares when it comes to house parties. Paige would only be drinking a little bit, I'm sure, and I probably wouldn't drink a ton either. I didn't know about Ashton though.

"We can switch if you want, babe. I have two a days starting tomorrow and Coach doesn't want us drinking or partying much," Ashton says, smiling and KJ looks up at him.

"You mean that?" She asks, sounding as if she were a sugar high child. KJ is our little party animal so I knew she would hate her life if she had to be DD for us tonight.

He nods with a smile, kissing her temple before looking at me, "Hand over your keys, Clark," he says, holding out his hand. This is what I get for bringing my car and not being the designated driver.

I go to hand him my keys, holding them a little ways from his hand, "You crash my car, you're buying me a new one with your NIL money," I tell him, sort of joking, but he wouldn't crash my car and I know that.

"Of course, Gray, now, keys," he says again.

"Here you go, dad," I tease, putting my keys in the palm of his hand and he pockets them quickly. I know KJ or I will have to take him back to his apartment tomorrow because he will more than likely be staying the night.

"Okay, now who's ready to have a crazy, but safe night?" He asks and the three of raise our hands as we make our way to the house.

I feel Paige's hand on my lower back as we walk. I glance at her, giving her a small smile, "Who out of the girls are here?" I ask her, knowing a lot of the women's basketball team would be here.

"Nika, Azzi, Dorka, Lou, and Aubrey," Paige says, the blasting of music filling my ears as I nod. The blonde now drops her hand when we reach the door and I turn around to make sure Ashton and KJ aren't too far behind. They're almost on top of us as we walk inside.

authors note
paige seems like she would
stalk her friends on life360
and i can't explain why

would that i, paige bueckersWhere stories live. Discover now