✨Summer House✨

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(A/N: Hi! This is the official chapter 1 for this story but more is yet to come! In my eyes, this chapter is short but the next one is more drama filled! I'm so excited.Xo)

"Guys, we're leaving in the next ten minutes!" I hear my mom shout from down the hall. I'm all done packing so I go check on Belly. "Hey did you hear mom, we're leaving soon" I start, walking over to her half empty suitcase, "are you not done? Come on hurry!" I start throwing clothes into the luggage, not even looking at what I'm tossing in.

"Uh hello to you to Sof?" Taylor, Belly's best friend says. I shoot her a 'idk why you are calling me that' look and continue to pack. Me and Taylor have never been close, clearly. I remember all the countless times Belly has came to me crying when her and Taylor are in a fight.

No one but people I like can call me 'sof', I have made that clear to her, which she ignores every time. "I'm done let's go" I say rushing out of Belly's room. I'm nervous about going to Cousins, after what happened last summer I can't face Jeremiah.

Last summer Jeremiah was my escort to the Debutante Ball. I've liked him for years but it wasn't until that summer that he started to see me the way I see him. After the deb ball, one thing led to another and you can imagine for yourself what happened. After that night, I thought he might ask me to be his girlfriend but instead we hadn't talked all school year. So here I go.

As we get into Cousins I  already feel at home. I love philly but the beach is where my heart is. My mother and I are in the backseat, Belly in shotgun, and Stevie is driving. Belly is belting out some song, I can see mom and Steven are both annoyed. "Can you turn it down please," my mother starts. "I want you all to be better about helping around the house. Like don't just leave your dirty dishes lying around, load them into the dish washer, and not just your own dish either Steven."
My moms weird about money, the fact that Susannah has a lot and we don't.
"But mom Susannah has people who clean." Steven protests. Bad idea. My mother snacks him in the head!
"OWW" Steven yells trying to keep his eyes on the road.

We stop at a gas station just inside of Cousin's. Steven goes to pump gas so I get him his favorite: Sour Skittles and a sprite, my favorite: gummy worms and a regular Coke, and Belly's favorite, Cheetos and a Cherry Coke. As I'm getting the goods I hear a guy speak, "you new to cousins?" I get a chill.
"Who me? No?" I say waking up to the register.
" I thought I knew every pretty girl in cousins " he says with a creepy smirk.
He rings up the items. He definitely doesn't look old enough to be hitting on a seventeen year old girl. I look at his name tag. Jumper...
"You coming to the bonfire tonight?"
"Maybe" I say blank trying to get out of there.
He hands me the bag and I run to the car. We snack and sing until we pull up to the house. THE  house.

I step out of the car and run to Susannah. I can't stop smiling as she pulls me in for a hug. Susannah's hugs are like no other. Nothing is as comforting as being wrapped in her arms. I let go and go to find someone else to greet. I see Conrad and Belly having a moment.
Belly has been in love with Conrad for almost as long as I Jeremiah. She knows none of this because we aren't as close as we used to be. She's jealous that I look more like mom, and she thinks that means I'm her favorite. Like girl I can help you look more white than Korean, she looks more like our dad as Steven and I resemble mom, but I love her. Anyways, I go to get my bag (I'll say hi to Connie later) and feel someone lift me up. I recognize the voice and shout, "JEREMIAH PUT ME DOWN!"
He lets me down and hugs me. I'm very short so his head kind of sits on top of mine. I pull back and untie my shoe, I see Steven and we share a look. He will distract Belly while I go to the room. There are only two rooms available to us Conklin siblings. I agreed to let Steven have the biggest bedroom because it's window has easy access to sneak out, for the right price I'll do anything that's not gross. I need to beat Belly to the room because 1 of the beds suck. I always got stuck with it so Belly the "baby" can have the better one. I don't know why they don't just buy a new one. Well Belly isn't a baby anymore, she's almost sixteen, I deserve the better bed for once.

I get to the bed first as they hold her back to do a bellyflop. I'm just glad there is no such thing as a SofiaFlop.

Summer Is Changing Us | Jeremiah Fisher Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora