Sersun (Sun x Serpent) time

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Oh yeah btw I am slightly obsessed with the new Monster High rn

Serpent staring admiringly at Sun from across the room. A friend ( Crocodile)whispers into Serpent 's ear: 'Why are you so thirsty?'

Serpent giving Sun a smile after making eye contact.

Serpent showing Sun some of his favorite vines and memes.

Sun having to comfort Serpent because Serpent just encountered a very large, unpleasant bug outside that scared him.

Sun and Serpent cuddling under the stars.

Sun and Serpent spending the night on the perfect hill for stargazing.

Serpent and Sun on their honeymoon, enjoying all of the fun activities

Season 4 is my favorite season
Prompts by Neocities

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