part 3 oh no here we go again

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"Mom .. what's on your neck?" Qestioned Neville
"Dang Aunty what were you doing while we were gone" said Fred "Something unholy😏😏" said Ginny " GINNY we don't talk about those things" Molly stated discussingly"So you don't teach your kids about safe sex ?" Asks Professor McGonagall "WHAT of course we do!" Molly stated furiously "Oh I'm sure you do" Snape replied sarcastically

"Alright, kids let's get going," Autumn tells the children." Wait Miss. Clark where are we going exactly?" Questioned Blase " Our home in Egypt little one." Autumn tells him, as a light blush appears on his cheeks" Oh, where is your house located in Egypt?" Asked Fred and together "How do you do that ?" Collin asked curiously " We don't know it just happens."

" About 43 miles outside of Cairo Egypt and and about 69 miles from Hamunptra." Said Hermione " What's Hamunptra" asked the twins " The city of the dead."

They all start to talk about how their school year was for each of them. When they reached the muggle train station Autumn sent them off to the bathrooms to change for the Egyptian weather.

After they came out of the bathrooms they headed out to the parking lot to find their mother's car. It was a beautiful charcoal surround sound black Chevy Tahoe.

Once they were all in the vehicle and buckled up they started the drive to their townhouse in London, England. Listening to music on the way from their mom's Playlist.

" Love is a war" by Jeremy Renner
" Natural" by Imagine Dragons
" Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons
" Stereo Love" by Jeremy Renner
" live for now" by Jeremy Renner
"Small Town Boy" by Dustin Lynch
"God's Country" by Blake Shelton
"One of Them Girls" by Lee Brice
"Power" by Little Mix
"Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson
"Then It Started Raining" by Krystal Keith
"Love Story" by Taylor Swift
"Blac widow " Iggy Azalea
" hero" by Nickelback
"Yogi Bear" by Johnathan Michael Fleming
"I Saw the Tailban" by Johnathan Michael Fleming
"Before he cheats " Carrie Underwood
"Something in the Orange" by Zach Brian

Everyone inside the great hall was dancing and singing along "This is great music" said Dean " I agree!" Said Draco agreeably shocking most of the Slytherins who knew him as rude, cruel, and snobbish. People noticed that he had started to change throughout the school year.

After arriving at the house and parking the car in the garage. Autumn leads the kids time the kids into the house showing them their respective rooms. As she prepared and cooked lunch after they ate she brought them to the living room. Having them stand next to the Fireplace.

Each of them gets a handful of floo powder and she tells them to say "Ra Egyptian Manor " It went Harry, Luna, and Neville go first then Hermione, Blase, Fred, George, and Autumn go last threw the bright Alvada cadavra green.
Arriving in the living room she showed each child up to the rooms they would be staying in.

Afterward, she went into the nursery and put Amun to bed since he was at the moment sleeping soundly. Then she went to her room to change, while Mia sat on the couch watching Paw Patrol. After they were all unpacked Autumn went to check on Eve. Except for the fact that she only found a note that said

"Dear Autumn Johnathan and I have found someone to take us to Hamunptra we left on May 20th
"That can't be good," says Fudge
"Fuck" Ardeth mumbled
"Finally I can't wait I always wanted to go there," said Evie
"The not said you came with so SHUT THE HELL UP!" Stated Evelyn


"What's wrong with her?" Questioned Mad eye

Autumn hurried as the 20th was yesterday day. Running towards each of the kid's rooms she told them to pack a fairly sized duffle bag for a few days for an adventure in the Egyptian desert. "Mom" yelled Luna "Yes honey.""I had a vision." "What was it about?"

The Curators office

"She must die"
Standing in the shadows across from his desk are THREE MUMIA:
blue tinted skin, hideous facial tattoos, --the works. One of
the Mumia has a rusty metal HOOK for a hand. He shrugs.
"She is like all the others. She will die in the desert." Says the man with a hook.

"No! She has seen too much. She knows too much." The Curator states
The Curator leans across his desk, fear in his eyes."Not only does she have a map, but she has the key" exclaims the Curator

Spooking the hell out of the Mumia guys.:The key!? She has the lost key!? Yes. No one has ever had so much, been so close."We must stop her,
or it will be the end of us all. Then we will kill her, we will kill her and all those with her, And burn the map and retrieve the key."

It will be done. But what of the American expedition? They leave tomorrow as well. Forget the bumbling Americans, they will be like all the others.
Without the map to guide them, how? Can they possibly find Hamunaptra?

She explained everything she had about her vision." It will be okay going to save your aunt okay." "Okay." "No, go pack quickly.

"Aunty what's going on" ask Fred and George Their words combined
"Aunty is e ev everything okay" stuttered Percy worriedly with a hint of fear,
She quickly explained to them the situation while assuring Percy that everything was okay." Oh no here we go again." Stated Neville

"What do you mean?"Questioned Blase no one answered him. They were on their way to the Cairo horse dealer for six more horses. Hamunptra to protect their family with Blase, Fred, and George.

Taking the kids to Cairo before they left for Hamunptra she heads towards the dealer. She pays less than what the horses are worth. She helps the kids onto the saddles and they leave.

Placing Mia behind her she lays Amun on her chest holding him in place with a scarf. They begin their journey only by stopping every 12 hours.
As they slowed to a stop they looked for Eve, then guided their horse towards her. Autumn gets down and taps her on the shoulder causing her to turn around.
"Autumn, what are you doing here?" Asks Evelyn "I found your note and decided to help," said Autumn lazily. " We dug up an ancient mummy but all of the sacred spells were chiseled off
" Evelyn tells her

"Wow so cool," says Snape sarcastically
"Oh shut up dungeon bat" States Autumn without emotion.
"Hey he's my dungeon bat" Destiny Stated

"What" exclaims Autumn "Yes right under Anubis " AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN AUTUMN" Yells Johnathan running towards her excitedly and tackling her to the ground " Hi Johnathan," Autumn says happily standing up."Autumn who's kids are those ?" Asks Eve" Oh... They're mine except for the redheads and this one." Autumn says pointing at the twins, Percy, and Blase." Finally nieces and nephews. " This is Hermione, Luna, Neville, Harry, Fred,George,Percy. And Blase is Nevilles soulmate."

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