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Just as soon as it started, the break was over. Even though it felt like years had passed in those two weeks. They'd gotten the welcome email inviting them back to the new and improved Blue Lock a few days before it was to open, and Rin had to remind himself to be excited about it. Truth is, he'd enjoyed the break. Much to his surprise. He had played some soccer. In between the restaurant dates (with reservations), taking pictures of food (and grumpy tablemates), and good, old fashioned make out sessions in the chaotically colourful back bedroom of the Bachira household.

Soccer could be fun, Rin had learned.

But now it was over. Time to go back. Back to real soccer, back to destroying Isagi for the Blue Lock Eleven match, among other reasons, and destroying Sae in the only way that mattered. But it wasn't all about going back. A lot had changed. It also felt a bit like going forward.

For instance, Rin and Bachira walked back to the institution together, their bags slung over their shoulders, their free hands clasped in the other's. Bachira had a habit of swinging their hands back and forth excitedly and squeezing Rin's hand as he pointed out various things that interested him on the street. Both of these were things Rin had gotten used to with rather relative ease.

"Are you excited?" Bachira asked, balancing his feet on this elevated retaining wall, moving his feet wildly, dribbling some invisible ball, forcing Rin to hold his shaking hand at shoulder height to avoid letting go.

"Yeah," Rin answered. It was non-committal. It conveyed his sentiment well. He was excited, sure. But he wasn't bouncing off the walls or anything.

"Do you think we'll be on the same team again?" Bachira asked.

"Maybe," Rin said. Before adding, "No crying if we're not though."

"Please," Bachira said. "You'll be the one crying."

Rin scoffed. "You think so?"

"Because of how bad I'll beat you!" Bachira exclaimed, jumping off the end of the retaining wall and landing back on the sidewalk with a smack of his feet. He looked up at Rin and grinned.

"Sure." Rin rolled his eyes and they kept walking. "Because that worked out so well the last time."

"That's true," Bachira said with a laugh. "But if you have the chance, will you steal me again?"

Yes, Rin thought. Of course I will.

But he didn't necessarily like this train of conversation. It wasn't for any lack of affection he had towards Bachira. That was alive and well. Plenty felt and regularly acknowledged. It was just something he was dedicated to keeping separate from soccer. He didn't want anything to distract him from his goals.

And, admittedly, he didn't want that for Bachira either. Not on the field, anyways. He could look for him the second he stepped off of it, and he would be there. But as far as soccer went, they both needed to be players who could stand on their own. He owed that to both of them.

"You do realize I didn't choose you the first time, right?" Rin asked.

"I know." Bachira was still smiling. This had done nothing to sink his spirits. "You chose Isagi."

"Ugh," Rin said. "Don't remind me."

Bachira laughed some more. Rin let himself smile. A little, anyways. He did cringe at the memory, but he'd liked where the two of them had gotten. To this point where they could joke about it.

"I'm not mad about that, by the way," Bachira said, squeezing Rin's hand. "You chose me when it mattered."

Rin squeezed his hand back. He was excited to get back to it. Of course he was. He was, however, more excited for the next break they'd get.

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