𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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Content warning: Depression

Emil trudged wearily through the front door, his body still buzzing with adrenaline. Handball practise had been intense, especially because even though he had focused as much as he possibly could, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his girlfriend. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry thinking of you, couldn't shake the feeling something was terribly wrong. He had noticed the changes in your behaviour recently, had noticed the way you were distant and withdrawn, your usually vibrant spirit clouded by depression.

He had immediately sensed the somber atmosphere hanging in the air the moment he stepped into your shared apartment. It was unusually quiet, the silence lingering heavy on him as he made his way upstairs. He carefully called out your name, his voice laced with a hint of concern.


Emil hesitated for a second until he opened the door to your dimly lit bedroom, the sight greeting him shattering his heart into smithereens. There you were, curled up in a tight ball underneath the thick fabric of your duvet. Emil's heart sank when he saw the tear tracks on your face, glistening in the small amount of light that filtered through the closed curtains.

Without a second thought, Emil carefully climbed into bed beside you, his movements gentle as though approaching something very fragile. He whispered your name, his voice filled with tenderness and concern as he carefully pulled your body closer to his, wrapping his arms around your delicate frame as if to shield you from the world. He could feel the tension in your muscles, the weight of your depression pushing down on both of you.

"I'm here, okay?" he whispered. "I'm not going anywhere."

You stirred, your eyes fluttering open at the familiar sensation of your boyfriend's touch on you. You longed for the comfort it gave you, yet you didn't have the strength to respond to it.

Your body remained stiff, your breathing shallow, but Emil refused to let go. He held you tightly, his touch conveying the warmth and security he hoped you desperately needed. He was determined to be there for you, no matter how long it would take.

He knew that sometimes, words weren't enough. Sometimes, all one needed was a comforting presence – a reminder that they were not alone.

Minutes turned into hours as Emil continued to hold you in his arms. He listened to the rhythm of your shallow breathing, the quiet sobs that eventually faded away. He kissed your forehead gently, offering a silent promise that he would never give up on you.

Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. You felt like the walls you had built around yourself began to crumble as Emil's tight and comforting grip and his unwavering support began to slowly chip away at the icy grip of your mental illness. Your body slowly began to relax against his and just then - eventually - you surrendered to his embrace. The stiffness in your body softened, and you melted into his arms, seeking solace in his presence. A few tears rolled down your cheeks as you allowed yourself to feel vulnerable and to release at least a small amount of the pain that had been suffocating you for so long.

The next day, Emil made his way to a nearby flower shop, determined to bring a touch of brightness into your life again. He knew that orange roses were your favorite flowers and with a small bouquet in his hands, he returned home, hopeful that this small gesture would bring a bit of colour to the darkness you were caught in.

As he stepped through the door, Emil found you sitting on the couch, your knees tucked to your chest, your eyes heavy with exhaustion. Nevertheless, Emil greeted you with a warm smile, holding out the bouquet of orange roses.

"For you," he whispered softly.

You glanced at the flowers for a good second, your eyes flickering with a hint of appreciation before you reached out hesitantly, your fingers grazing the soft petals as tears welled up in her eyes again. Your voice caught in your throat as you struggled to express your gratitude, but to Emil, your eyes conveyed more emotions than any word ever could.

"Do you want to go for some ice cream?"

You hesitated. You knew Emil was only trying his best to help you, but you weren't entirely sure you were able to handle it. You looked up into your boyfriend's steel blue eyes and saw the despair to help you - the desire to bring even the slightest bit of a smile on your face, no matter the cost. So you agreed, allowing your boyfriend to guide you through the motions of getting ready and stepping out into the world beyond your apartment walls.

The warm afternoon sun embraced you as you walked, your hands intertwined, heading towards the beach, knowing the calming sounds of the waves might offer a temporary respite from your struggles.

As you strolled along the sandy shore together, you remained quiet and withdrawn. Emil ordered two scoops of your favorite flavor at the ice cream parlor and you managed a faint smile, appreciating his effort, but your exhaustion still weighed you down.

The salty breeze brushed against your faces, carrying a sense of serenity with it as you walked along the shoreline. Emil noticed your need for comfort and tranquility and carefully led you to a secluded spot, away from the bustling people.

You leaned into Emil, resting your head on his shoulder, finding solace in his embrace. The weight of your struggles felt a little lighter, as if the ocean itself had absorbed some of your burden. The sun cast a golden glow on the tranquil scene, offering a respite from the troubles that had been weighing you down.

With gentle strokes, Emil started to rub your back, the rhythmic motion soothing you. You sat in comfortable silence and let the world around you fade away, your breathing becoming slower and steadier as if finding solace in your boyfriend's presence.

As the afternoon unfolded, the weight of your exhaustion became more apparent. Almost immediately, Emil noticed and shifted his position so that your head could rest gently on his lap. His fingers continued to trace soothing patterns along your back, offering a comforting touch. He offered you a reassuring smile, silently assuring you that he was there to listen, to understand, and to support you through whatever struggles you were facing.

A few tears welled up in your eyes, a silent release of the emotions you had been holding within. Emil's touch and unwavering support allowed you to breathe, even if just for a little while, the weight on your chest slowly dissipating.

The minutes turned into hours as you remained there, the rhythmic sound of the waves mingling with your breaths as you sat in comfortable silence. Emil didn't rush anything; he understood that healing took time. He squeezed your hand, smiling reassuringly as you looked up at him, reminding you that whatever may happen, you wouldn't be alone in your struggle.

The hours passed slowly, and as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, you finally broke the silence. Your voice was a mere whisper, but it didn't matter. A faint smile graced your lips as you spoke:

"Thank you."

𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐥 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now