6: the blue truck

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Mike woke up Out of his nap with the sound of his phone, ringing. With a groan, he yawned and answered. It was Max.

"Hey Mike guess what!?" She asked, excitedly. "Um... what?" Mike asked in confusion. Soon he realised Will was gone!


"Uh huh..." Mike mumbled, not giving any attention as he got up, looking for Will.

"... that's... all you have to say?" Max asked, a bit annoyed. "W-what did you say again? I..I wasn't... paying attention" Mike sighed as he found a note on the kitchen desk.

As he was about to read it, Max shouted once again "ALL OF OUR CONCERT TICKETS ARE SOLD.OUT!!!" And Mike's eyes got wide.

"WHAT!? REALLY!!? how!?" Mike chuckled, also excited. "I don't know honestly, but people were extremely impressed by our show in the freaking cat café. Just now two girls past by me, talking about "how emotional" that performance was." Max explained.

Emotional? Calpurnia's Music was usually described with words like "Rad" or things in that sorts... emotional was far beyond that.

Was it because of Will? Was he able to do such thing because of a boy he only had met for a day?

"Heh..." Mike chucked to himself, which confused Max. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing... just surprised! This is amazing... and freaking scary." Mike explained.

"Yup, that's why we're ganna practice today, at my place. Everyone  knows so no need to tell them... by the way, how's things going with this 'nurse' of yours?" Max teased with a laugh.

Mike groened out of embarrassment. What had lucas told them? "he gave me medicines and we watched a movie... it was nice, until I fell sleep and he decided to leave!! Just.great!" Mike laughed sarcastically.

"Ouch... that sucks. but seriously be more careful and Don't do stupid things like this again! Sleeping on the swings? Really??" Max sighed.

Mike just letted out a laugh. Soon, the bell rang and Max had to go to her class so they hung up.

As she was on her way to class, she was worried. Not because of freaking Mr.White, she could've easily crush him with simple words.

She was actually worried about Mike. Mike was her best friend and it just hurted her so much when he did dumb and stupid things like that, which ended up hurting him.

And the worst part was that Mike didn't even care. No matter how much she tried to fix him... it was as if he just pushed away the help...

No matter what it was, Mike just resisted it. Max had lost count of the times she tried to convince Mike to stop smoking or stop pulling all nighters.

Even in the class, Jane realised Max was feeling more down than usual. So just like what an awesome girlfriend would do, she wrote her a tiny cute letter, just as she did when the two weren't dating.

It always was like them little tradition, writing each other cute little letters and making custom packets for them in classes to send them to the other person to make them feel brighter.

Since Mr.White had changed Jane's seat eversince the last time Max and Jane were cought flirting during the class, she had to deliver her little mail by passing it out to the other people next to her.

Luckily, they were nice enough to pass it out to the owner of it without opening it.

"Here's a mail for you, miss Maxin" the boy who was seating beside her teased which just made Max crack an smile, already knowing who had sent it.

She thanked the boy and opened her little tiny letter:

Dear beautiful gf,

Rose's are red,
violets are blue
Now come on, tell me
Why are you so blue?

_love, Jane♡♡

Yes, it was cheesy, yes it sure was cringe as fuck... but that was just how they both did it since the beginning, they just had to write it 'poetic'.

Soon, a reply letter was sent from Max. Jane opened the cute little pocket and treasured the tiny pocket in her wallet.

My dear amazing sunshine,

Rose's are red,
Daisy's are White
I'm feeling extremely worried about Mike...

_love, Max:)

(I'll explain at lunch, pinky promise-)

Jane sighed, glancing at Max who was doodling a bunch of messy strokes on her notebook.

Honestly, she couldn't blame Max a bit, since she felt the same way...and well...

Mike wasn't the type to listen...


With Will, on the other hand, he was just done with buying groceries and now he was heading home.

He kinda was happy about ditching that day overall. He got to spend more time with Mike and enjoy the lovely weather on his way home too!

And it really was a lovely day and no 'Mr.White' ruined it. And by the time he was home, I was already about the end of the school hours so no one would've even suspected a thing.

As he arrived home, his heart almost stopped when he saw a very familiar truck...

And, oh no... he recognised the truck almost immediately. Fear runned down his spines as he almost dropped the bag of groceries.

With shaky hands and a rising heart beats, he just did what anyone in his position would've done: run.

He ran fast, away from the ally to anywhere else. He needed a place to stay, so he just quickly rushed to Dustin's.

And there he was, knocking widely on Dustin's door, with no one to open the it.

"Will? What are you doing here?" A voice asked from behind Will. He turned around and saw Dustin, standing behind him confused.

"He's... he's back Dustin... he's back" Will suttured. Dustin was now worried too, not knowing what Will could've possibly mean.

"Who's... back?" Asked Dustin, but the answer didn't surprise him a bit. With a sigh from Will's side, he said

"My dad, he's back home"

A/N: sorry for the late update of the new chapter:(. been really busy lately and I can't promise the other chapter to be updated soon either...
But Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! & have a great day/night!
Words: 1047

𝙈𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙'𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙《𝐛𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant