Chapter 30: Who Is She?

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Floating in the darkness you were at pace, nothing was there, just you and the calming darkness around you. You take a deep breath and a strange smell catches your nose. It smelled of rain, wild flowers such as roses and poppies, the fresh smells of pine trees and fresh grass after it rains. The smell of death and decay, ash and flames, they creep into your nose, it's faint but still there, prowling around.

You open your eyes and follow the scent before coming across someone else in the void, another person. But how? This is your mind, your safe place. How is anyone else here? The person's back was towards you a white cloak was covering their back, the ends seemed to be signed off by fire, the tips blackened under the white fabric. The person's hair was as white as snow, it was long, at least to their waste, the hair a tangled mess. They were wearing a witches hat funny enough, but it didn't point straight up, the tip sagged down, the tip containing three golden beads making it weigh down.

You felt a sense of unnatural calm yet unease around this person, but you didn't know what to do, they were just standing there humming a small tune you didn't recognize.

"Hello?" you whisper out, unable to raise your voice

The person stopped their humming and turned their head, revealing one of their eyes, it was a beautiful purple that gave you a sense of calm and ease. She turns fully and you get a good look at her, her skin was very pale, not like Alcina's, but similar, she was wearing a white crop tank top and long high waist skirt, the tips of her skirt were burnt and blackened.

"Who are you?" you asked, still unable to raise your voice

The stranger looks you up and down, examining you, before speaking.

"I'm Misty Gale, and it's finally nice to meet you, Y/N Lorann."

You shiver at her hushed voice and freeze. She knew your name, but how?

"Y/N Lorann, slayer of Mother Miranda." She said it so kindly, but her words still bit like a deadly poison. "Subject of the Umbrella Corporation and carrier of the W-Exe mold virus." she continued.

How did she know all this? Has she somehow peered into your mind? Your other half had been watching, but seemed afraid to even approach.

"W-who? What are you?" you questioned

She gives a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, those purple eyes only filled with sadness and spiraling madness. Her shoulders start to shake in silent laughter and she lets out a psychotic laugh that makes all the hairs on your skin shoot up.

"I've already told you who I am silly." she cackles. "As for what I am, I'm a witch that has almost fallen into the pits of madness." she wipes a tear from her eye as her laughter dies down.

Everything in your body is telling you to escape, to run as fast as possible, but you couldn't, something was preventing you from escaping.

"What do you want?" you sneer

"Nothing much but to help the future happen." she frowns, her eyebrows furrowing. "Miranda was supposed to help you...but alas, she must have fallen into the darkness after my passing."

You give her a confused look. Miranda was supposed to help you? And what does Misty mean by 'her passing'?

"What do you mean Miranda was going to help me? Help me with what? And what do you mean 'your passing'?" you ramble

"Slow down little wolf." she giggles out

You clamp your mouth shut, she must have put a spell on you or something because there was no way you could be this calm, still, and silent at the same time. Especially in front of an unknown person who just so happens to be in the void with you. You give her a look as she smirks at you, her purple eyes containing nothing but a child-like happiness. This confused you one moment she was sad, then psychotic, and now childish, and you thought your love was bipolar, this woman was worse.

"I promise all your questions will be answered as time goes on, but I will answer one of your questions. What I mean by my passing is that I died a long time ago." her mind seemed to wander into a far off land, her eyes flashing so many emoticons from hurt to sadness, happiness to love.

"I live in the Village a little before all the chaos, I had even convinced Miranda that there was another way to bring back her child, but not then. I honestly didn't intend for anyone to get hurt, nor for Miranda to die, but the future changes."

You slowly nod, unsure of what to say or do. It took you a moment to open your mouth.

"Where you and Miranda... a thing?" you muttered

The witch slowly nodded, a smile was on her face but you could see the tears threatening to leak from her eyes.

"You know," she sniffled, "I saw a future where everyone was happy. Alcina and you were married, with two more add ons to your family. Donna found love as well, even in the most... unlikeliest ways. Karl and Monreau were great uncles, not wanting anything else in the world. And Miranda and I took care of you all, we even got our Eva back." tears began to flow down her cheeks.

That future sounded so blissful. But it didn't end like that...but...what if it could.

"Is that future still...obtainable?" you asked

Although you hated Miranda for what happened you thought back, really thought back to her. When she kidnapped you, she never harmed you, she only made you angry by hurting Mia. But she never harmed you purposely. You remember the look in her icy blue eyes, they were filled with despair, like someone who was clinging to the last thing that was keeping them going, and for Miranda, that was the thought of Eva.

Misty looked at you and hesitated, before giving a slow nod.

"Yes, but it requires a few things to happen, and a lot of waiting."

"Well what needs to happen?"

"You first need to find my spell book in a cottage deep in the woods, all lycans are unable to pass, you should be the only one able to get through untouched. Once you find my spell book I'll tell you the next step, don't worry you won't need to sleep to see me again, you'll see a spirit version of me."

You suddenly get a waking feeling, your vision blurring slightly. You were waking up, but you needed more information.

"How will I know it's you?!" you speak, your normal voice sounding like a yell

"Trust me you'll know. Whether you decide to bring me back is your choice, I'm not required."

She gave you a sad smile before waving goodbye and turning to walk away. You looked at your arms, your tattoos were glowing white, your time in the dream was almost up. You sprint to Misty, she seemed so far yet so close, you were about to grab her when your vision turned white and you woke up.

(Word Count: 1184)

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