"Who is that?" Asked Paimon, her mouth dropping in surprise. Aether took a step back, racking his brains for something he'd once heard the old and wise Zhongli tell him about.

The realization hit him instantly as he made the connection between the odd runes on the walls and the overwhelmingly strong electro power. This must be a sealed chamber, one sealed during the Archon War, meaning that the man in the middle must be either very powerful or very dangerous, or both!

He quickly explained his theory to Paimon who seemed to agree. The tension was upped tenfold as they tried to decide on their next course of action. Should they free him? What if he was dangerous? But what if he was innocent?

After a bit of debating, Aether's internal hero complex took over, causing him to step towards the imprisoned man, ignoring the electricity zapping at his shoes. He slowly drew nearer, examining the electro chains even closer.

The blonde hesitated before grabbing one of the coiling threads, imbuing his hand with geo energy to avoid any shocks or burns. With a yank, he pulled on the chain, not expecting it to give way, but it did.

With a buzz, the electricity dissipated, leaving only a set of wrought iron chains to fall to the floor. The man slumped forwards, one arm still bound. Aether ran to the other binding quickly, using the same technique to free the unknown person.

Letting out a shout, Paimon floated over, watching worriedly as Aether helped the man into a laying position. He put a hand behind the (H/C) prisoner's head, supporting him as he helped relax his legs, feeling muscles underneath the clothing.

This man must've been a warrior once. Aether could tell just by looking at his build and what visible scars he had, making him wonder yet again if he was on the gods' side or not because if he wasn't, the blonde might be in serious trouble.

He held the unconscious man in his arms, exchanging worried glances with Paimon. The blonde tried speaking to him, but to no avail. After a bit of this, he gave up, deciding on a different course of action.

"Do you think we should give him some water or something?" Asked Aether, prompting Paimon to float off and search for the water in the traveller's bag. She returned soon, carrying the bottle with some difficulty due to her small size.

Carefully, Aether tipped some of the liquid down the man's throat, using his hand to open the (H/C) warrior's mouth slightly. His eyebrows furrowed, noticing the strange shape of the individual's teeth.

Fangs... He thought, handing the water back to Paimon, he must be an adeptus! Or part adeptus... or worse! The two sat in anticipating silence, wondering if he'd finally wake up. Like clockwork, the prisoner coughed, wincing as his eyes adjusted to the purple light.

"Are you okay...?" Asked Aether uncertainly as the man rubbed his head, seemingly trying to process the situation. The first couple seconds were... very confusing.

An onslaught of emotions and thoughts flooded the stranger's head, making his groan in pain, head in his hands. He thought of the imprisonment, his name, his purpose and everything else. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb had been extinguished, they all disappeared, lost to the wind.

"Um, hello?" Added Paimon, making the man flinch at the sudden noise.

"Where am I...? Who are you?" He questioned, his voice deep and hoarse. Aether's eyes widened, looking at Paimon with a raised eyebrow. The adventurer opened his mouth, pausing before starting to explain everything.

"I... see..." said the man, still looking rather lost and confused. He shook his head, seemingly trying to clear his mind. "So you... rescued me. Thank you..."

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