Not by Choice...

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I couldn't believe I was an week away from being married off to an man I barely know. I was just sitting in my room wondering how will everything change once I was married off to an 40 year old man, when I only 14. The thought of being married too someone that is old enough to be my dad is making me sick. I couldn't believe I was about to be someone's wife when I am still an child.
" Mackenzie, what's wrong with you?" Ma asked, while folding towels."
"Nothing Ma, I just nervous about getting married in less then an week from now ma." I said back. "Their nothing to be nervous about, I understand that you are very young, but you doing this for the family, you know if we wasn't in so much debt, then I wouldn't have to consider marriage." Said Ma while rubbing my back. "You know after your father died, we got into a lot of debt with the house mortgage, the funeral expenses, y'all school fees, and bills, sweetie I am only one person, and the supermarket ain't paying nothing but 5 dollars an hour." Said Ma. "I thought you said you was found an new job that pays more than what the supermarket pays you." I said back. " I waiting on the letter saying I got the job." Said Ma. "But if I do get the job, then we can cancel that marriage of yours." Said Ma. "But if we do, then we gone be an bigger and bigger debt." I said.
"I know darling, but money is tight right now, and plus I am an single mother taking care of three children all by myself is very hard darling, and trying to found an new job is very hard sweetheart." Said Ma.
I just turned and looked out the window, when I seen an black suburban truck pull up in our yard, and my soon to be husband hopped out of the driver seat. He walked over to me, and grabbed my hand and kissed it. I got up and was about to walk away when he all sudden grabbed me by my arm."Why you walking away from me, I am your fiance." Said Nathan my soon to be husband. "I just going to the kitchen to get something to drink, so let me go." I yanked my arm away and walked off.
"Mackenzie, why you being so mean to your fiance?" Ma asked. "I wasn't." I said. "She's fine, she just got to warm up to me that all." Said Nathan. "I will leave you two alone, so y'all can have an one on one conversation". Said Ma. I rolled my eyes and went to get some water out of the kitchen. I just wanted to punch Nathan in the face.
"Mackenzie, you can cook me up an egg omelette." Said Nathan. "No, while can't you cook it yourself?" I asked. "You supposed to know how to cook and clean, you about to be my wife, and my wife supposed to know how to cook and clean and raise children." Nathan said. "What do you mean by children." I said. "I am too young to have children." I said. "You're not to young, my niece is sixteen with two kids and she married to an wonderful husband." Said Nathan.
"I am not you're niece, and she sixteen with two kids, that is very young Nathan, but if I marry you would that means I still go to school?" I asked. "Why would you go to school when you supposed to at home cooking an cleaning for me ." Said Nathan." I am about be your wife, not you're maid, and plus I want to get my education, so I can get an degree for Nursing." I said. "I don't care about what you want, I said what I said and that final, you hear me." Said Nathan. "You think I am scared of you, I am only marrying you because Ma is an debt and need the money to pay bills and other expenses." I said. "You supposed to be scared of me Mackenzie, I am you're fiance, and you go by my rules, Mackenzie." Said Nathan. "I don't have to Nathan, you not my father." I said.
Nathan looked at me, and he raised his hand up like he was going to slap me but then ma walked in and asked, "What going on here?" Nathan put his hand in his pocket and politely said,"Oh nothing, I was just asking Mackenzie to make me an omelette." "I cooking you an omelette, cook it yourself." I said.
"Mackenzie, he is you're fiance make him an omelette, and I am so sorry Nathan for how she is acting, she just having an bad day." Said Ma. I couldn't say no to Ma so I ended up making him an egg omelette. Ma walked off and Nathan walked over to me and stated,"I going to let you slide today,but disrespect me again, then something bad going to happen, ok, now I love you." I rolled my eyes, and he walked off.I didn't know what he meant about what he said, but if he thinks I was scared of him, then he thought wrong.
The next morning, it was an crowd of woman in the living room with wedding dresses."Hey Sweetie, we need you to pick an wedding dress for you're wedding." Said One woman."I literally just woke up, can I at least eat breakfast before trying on anything?" I asked. "After you picked out an wedding dress, then you can do whatever but right we need you to pick out one of these gorgeous wedding dresses because you're wedding is next week." Said Another woman.
I looked over at Ma, she was literally over there picking out wedding dresses for me. I am just so stress out about everything because how could anyone just marry off their 14 year old to an man that in his forties.
One woman started handing me dresses and dresses. I didn't like not one of these wedding because they was just to big or to fluffy, or just to long. Ma kept handing me dresses to try on and my arms and torso was getting tired of trying in all these tight wedding dresses. I just wanted to eat some breakfast.I just wanted to lay down."I am exhausted from trying on a these dresses." I said with an yawn."We are trying to pick out an dress for you, but you rejecting them all." Said Ma.
"Because I don't like them Ma." I said. "Here's one more dress for you darling." Said one of the ladies. I looked at the dress and I literally fell in love with it. "I want this one,it perfect." I said with an smile. It wasn't to long, to big or to fluffy. It was just right for me .
"I glad we found one she like." Said one of the woman's. "I know right, because the wedding next, and we ain't trying to cancel it because she ain't have no dress." Said Ma. We all laughed. I really don't know why we all laughed but I just know that I have the most beautiful wedding dress ever.
Today's is the day I getting married to an 40 year old man, not by love. I just cried in my room for hours and hours just wishing that this day will just be over with already...

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